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  • £139.99

    Omens - Otto M. Schwarz

    On this Earth, countless secret signs and symbols exist, weaving a fascinating mystique around them. The circle, the All-Seeing Eye, the star, and the snake - all adorn banknotes, embellish walls, and majestically throne in ancient churches. These symbols are perhaps the most well-known of their kind, fascinating with their multifaceted meanings.To outsiders, they may often appear mysterious and opaque, but in the right context, they reveal their secrets. Secret societies have existed since time immemorial, and numerous legends surround them. Novels like "Illuminati" grant us a fascinating glimpse into this hidden world and leave room for endless speculation.In the picturesque city of "Filadelfia," in Italy, a plethora of these mysterious signs is revealed. At the intersections of the rationalist matrix, the magnificent main square rises, surrounded by four venerable churches. Here, amidst this symbol-laden place, signs like the "Eye in the Triangle" and many others can be found, captivating the observer. Palaces, once the seats of secret lodges, conceal further unfathomable symbols that challenge our understanding.Some places on this Earth are permeated by a special order - a fascinating puzzle whose secrets are reserved only for the initiated.

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