Attila - Olivier Boreau
Around 400 AD, Atilla and the Huns together with some other Germanic tribes had gathered at the borders of Western Europe to drive away the Romans. The geographic displacement of people that resulted from this movement determined the layout of Europe as we know it today. With this spectacular piece, we are proud to present to you for the first time French composer Olivier Boreau, who was the winner at a major composition competition with this work.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Symphony No. 2: States Of Mind, Opus 87 - Teo Aparicio-Barberán
I- Logos (reason)II- Pathos (emotion)III- Ethos (credibility)The ancient Greeks believed that music shaped the character of man. In Egyptian temples, music was an essential part of the magical rites to alter the course of nature or to treat illness.And today we know that sound can actually alter matter. The secret of music lies in harmony and mathematics, as many great musicians and experts have always known.One of the most important qualities of music is that it enables the listener to focushis attention inwards instead of on what is around him. It is indisputable that music can inspire emotion. Music leads us into a universe of emotions that are difficult to put into words. In short, music reaches into corners of our soul and thoughtsthat words cannot reach and makes it possible to more clearly describe these different States of mind.The composer of this symphony also believes that each "musical argument" must be constructed so that it will induce the desired reaction in thelistener.Music: more than wordsIn recent times, most orchestral symphonies have been based on a story, a text or something similar so that their composition must be structured accordingly.The intention of this work by Teo Aparicio-Barbern is quitedifferent. The composer describes the three elements of the argument as the only formal structure of the work. Since certain philosophers in world history were able to subdivide grammatical argument, why shouldnt that also be possible for the musicalargument?Since ancient times the power of the spoken word has captivated mankind. How can an argument move people and mobilise the masses? Where does the power of words come from today? The answer lays not so much in what people say but in how theysay it.Rhetoric is one of the oldest humanist disciplines in Western civilisation. Aristotle, in the 4th century BC, called it the art of persuasion. Indeed, the terms rhetoric and persuasion are mutually interchangeable.More than 2000 years agoAristotle structured his rhetoric according to the following three elements: the logos, the pathos and the ethos.Logos (words, reason) is the reasoning that gives freedom to the structure of the text by expressing what one wishes to say usingspecialist terms. With logos we create arguments to receive public approval and to defend our ideas.Pathos, the second element, refers to the effective use of public psychology. Pathos can be considered as the capacity to induce the desired emotionalresponse in the public, by creating an emotional connection with the public so that they accept our message.The third element, ethos (credibility), refers to the character of the speaker and is perhaps the most important of the three elements.Aristotle based his concept of ethos upon his belief that truth and justice will always have the upper hand over anger. He believed that what was true and good was easier to prove and was more persuasive.This second orchestral symphony from thecomposer from Enguera follows these three parameters of the argument according to Aristotle. Each movement tries to summon a different state of mind in the listener so that the message itself can be better understood and appreciated. Apart from thesethree general concepts the music is only structured, as Claude Debussy would say, in a "formative way".The first movement, logos, is based on a scherzo melody that undergoes various changes in rhythm and harmony. The arguments are presented by meansof conventional techniques of composition. The second movement, pathos, is characterised by suggestions of sound. It is subdivided into two large parts. The first part is based on a five seven sequence with five sounds that are repeated in differentenvironments, structures and dynamics. The second part, which is largely tonal, brings out more directly the emotional overtones that each argument must have. The third movement, ethos, is a faithful rendition of the composers personality. In thislast part, clear rhythmic sequences stand out, there are large dynamic contrasts and lots of tone variation. In addition, and this is quite in keeping with the composers earlier work, the harmony in States of Mind is handled in a manner that is bothoriginal and efficient, as a result of which Aparicio-Barberns message is well understood by the listener.This second symphony by Teo Aparicio-Barbern is devoted to "my dear Henrie Adams, a guiding light in this eternally dark musical world. Thankyou for everything."
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Overture to a Winter Festival - James Curnow
Finally...a new addition to the list of large-scale holiday pieces worth working on! Jim Curnow borrows snippets of various holiday songs and carols and develops them into larger, more original statements. The result is a challenging and captivating concert work that you can build your holiday program around. Includes optional, off-stage brass quartet parts.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Black Granite III - James L. Hosay
Audiences will be thrilled by the majesty and grandeur of the opening bars, and moved by the symphonic march that has become standard repertoire amongst many military bands around the world. Now your band can program this bold, patriotic tribute to those who gave the unlimited sacrifice
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Amazonia - Jan Van der Roost
This major concert work cosists o five movements.1st movement: La Laguna del ShimbeSituated high up in the Andes mountains in Northern Peru are the Huaringas, a group of lagoons in isolated and mysterious surroundings. The water has healing powersand for centuries traditional healers have settled there in small villages. From far the sick come to the Huaringas to be treated in nightly rituals, in which the hallucinating juice of the San Pedro cactus gives the prophet a look inside hispatient. The biggest lagoon is the "Laguna del Shimbe", one of the countless wells of the immense Amazon stream.2nd movement: Los AguarunasFurther downstream in Northern Peru we come across the rain tribe of Los Aguarunas. It's a proud, beautiful andindependent race, which has never succumbed to domination, not even from the Incas. They live from everything the forest has to offer: fish, fruit, plants, ... . They also grow some crops and live as semi-nomads. They take their fate into their ownhands and after having made contact with modern civilisation, they have integrated new elements into their lives without betraying their own ways.3rd movement: MekaronMekaron is an Indian word meaning "picture", "soul", "essence". The Indians are theorigina inhabitants of the Amazon region. They either live in one place as a group or move around a large region. They all have their own political system, their own language and an intense social life. At the same time they are master of music andmedicine. "Everywhere the white man goes, he leaves a wilderness behind him", wrote the North American Indian leader Seatl in 1885. As a result of these contacts with the whites, the disruption of most Indian societies began. (In this century alone,80 tribes have vanished completely).4th movement: KtuajThis is the name of the initiating ceremony of the Krah tribe in the Brazilian state of Goias, in which young boys and girls enter adult life. They are cleansed with water, painted with redpaint and covered with feathers, after which the ritual dance holds the entire tribe spell-bound.5th movement: Paulino FaiakanIn 1988 the Indian chiefs Faiakan and Raoni Kaiapo came to Europe to protest against the building of the Altamira dam inBrazil. As a result of the dam the Indians would be driven from their traditional land and enormous artificial would be created. The project was supported financially by, amongst others, the European Community. In February 1989 the Indian tribesaround Altamira held a protest march for the first time in their history together. Amongst other things they paid tribute tot Chico Mendez, who, murdered in 1988, was the leader of the rubber syndicate and a fierce opponent of the destruction of theBrazilian rain forest. Brazilian and world opinion was awakened. The building of the dam was -albeit temporarily - stopped.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Olympica - Jan Van der Roost
This "Grand Overture" was commissioned by the "Nagano Community Band" - Japan- on occasion of its jubilee in 1992 and is dedicated to the band's conductor, Ikuo Inagaki.The work is based upon three main themes, each symbolising a certain theme. The first part is characterized by its bright themes played mainly by the brass, accompanied by the woodwinds and festive percussion. This part symbolizes the jubilee which is the origin of the composition. This is followed by a bouncing allegro, in which each register of the band displays brilliant techniques. Especially the woodwinds come to the fore! This movement depicts the industriousness and enthousiasm shown by the members of the"Nagano Community Band" in the carrying out of their hobby. A third, main theme, is choral-like in character and is displayed both in the (soft) brass as well as in the warm medium register of the reeds. Here, nature's beaty in and around the city of Nagano is musically celebrated. Following a "chamber-music episode" (featuring the flute, oboe, clarinet, alto-saxophone and horn) the initial allegro re-occurs, weaving its way towards a grandiose finale, in which the two previous themes are once again apparent. Due to its very colourful scoring and the enormous diversity of musical thoughts and ideas, this composition is a fascinating and memorable piece, worthy a jubilee overture!
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Joy of Music - Jan Hadermann
Jan Hadermann is a renowned Belgian composer who's cheerful tunes are known around the world.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Chorale and Canzone - Hans Leo Hassler
The words and lyrics of the Christmas Carol From Highest Heaven I Come To Tell were written by the great Martin Luther (1483-1546) and can be found in The Hymns of Martin Luther. Martin Luther expressed radical views which began the reformation movement. His followers protested at the treatment given to Martin Luther, the event from which the term 'Protestant' was derived. It was first published in Joseph Klug's Gesangsbuch in around 1535. Add a majestic Baroque feel to any concert with this simple yet effective arrangement.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Daibutsu to Shika - Itaru Sakai
For 70 years during the 8th century the ancient city of Nara was the capital of Japan. The city is rich in national and cultural treasures, including shrines, Buddhist temples and statues of Buddha. The city is most famous for the Todai Temple with its 16 metre high Buddha dating from the year 752 and the Kasuga Shrine with its tame deer that walk around freely.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Hispaniola - Jan de Haan
This colourful work is based on the adventures of Christopher Columbus and his voyages to discover Africa and other new territories around the World. The theory that the earth was round urged Columbus to try and reach Asia by sailing west. A truly exotic work that grasps the drive and excitement of the world?s greatest explorer.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days