A Joyful Noise - Jennifer Sutton McDonel
A delightful theme and variations for young and beginner ensembles. This thoughtful and satisfying arrangement assigns varying skill sets to bring out different colours of a simple theme. Optional percussion elements add interest and texture.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Medieval Suite No 3 - Ron Nelson
Homage to Machaut evokes the stately, gently syncopated and flowing sounds of this master of choral writing. The movement consists of a statement with two repetitions, each with different instrumentation. It closes with the samechant and instrumental textures which opened the suite (in Homage to Leonin). (6:15)
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Dreadnought - Jeffrey Brooks
As Brooks composed this piece, he kept in mind the different definitions of the word, Dreadnought: a total absence of fear invincible a name given to a class of heavily armed battleships in the early part of the 20th Century.(9:00)
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Lyriske Stykker - Edvard Grieg
Edvard Grieg (1843-1907) is most known for his "Morgenstimmung" and his piano concerts. This bundle, "Lyriske stykker" op. 38, was originally written for piano solo and contains 5 short parts in different styles.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Won't Be Missin' You - Hans Vansant
Hans Vansant wanted something different with this lively number. Instead of "I Will be Missin' You", he composed "I Won't be Missin' You!" After all, each end of a friendship is a new beginning.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Recalls - Ben Haemhouts
Recalls obviously refers to memories. This piece of music is in fact a series of flashbacks, however, it does not highlight the actual memories of specific thoughts, people or events.The composition evolves around the late Frans Steurs, who for manyyears was the inspirational artist behind the brass band that is currently commissioning this work. The main theme of the work is based on the name STEURS". E = mi, U = do, R = re and S = "si" which is Dutch for the note "ti". This idea forms themusical theme for the entire composition and different variations are used throughout. The structure of the work is based on the concept of a story which father Steurs is telling his two daughters, who play the flute and the clarinet. Each part ofthe work has a story-like character:1. Introduction: following a short ominous intro, the main theme is presented for the first time.2. The Story: father Steurs has both his daughters on his knee and he tells them stories from the old days. Trumpetsand trombones play variations of the theme. The story gets very exciting (accelerande, poco a poco agitato) until the tale takes a dramatic turn when the father tells an exciting story at the time of the Second World War. He tells of being hunteddown by the occupying army and these adventurous episodes are related to us musically in part3. Danger, with its skilful references to "vor dem Sturm" from "Eine Alpensinfonie" by Richard Strauss.4. called Fugitives, is about how he fled in the nightfrom the enemy and this is reflected in the bass tones of a new theme. The aggression of the war is illustrated from bar 117 onwards, by a harsh brass section. The main theme is repeated once again and this time up-tempo. The second theme is broughtonce again from bar 149 onwards.5. Dialogues, depicts the conversations between the two daughters and their father. Father speaks (bar 155); the daughters answer (bar 164 - flute, bar 166 - clarinet); bar 178: father answers with the tune of the maintheme to the two daughters. The discussions gradually intensify but ultimately end in peace in the last part called Conclusion.The piece of music "Recalls" is a free interpretation by the composer who consulted the letters between the two daughtersof Steurs and their father and in this respect it is not really music for a programme."
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
In Onore Di - Wouter Lenaerts
The magnificent hymn was written for the "Royal Brass Band St. Katarina and Peter Benoit" and is dedicated to their chairman, Paul van Montfort on the occasion of his 30th anniversary as chairman of the association. A splendid fanfare is followed by an expansive and solemn melody which is played by different groups. A refreshing trio is followed by a triumphant ending.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Haexdonck - Guido De Ranter
This work was commissioned by the municipality of Kapelle-op-den-Bos on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of canon Jaak Muyldermans. Haexdonck is the old spelling of the present day region of "Oxdonk" where Jaak Muyldermans lived. In this three-part work the composer describes the different human aspects of canon Muyldermans' rich life. The first part, slow and dreamy, describes the writer/poet. The second dissonant part with much percussion describes his time as an army chaplain during the Great War. The third hymn-like part depicts his time as a priest. This work by Guido De Ranter, a newcomer to composition,is suitable for competitions or concerts.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Clowns And Acrobats - Bart Picqueur
Clowns And Acrobats is ideal for young, dynamic bands. After a short, mysterious introduction, follows an infectious theme that is varied in different manners. It ends with a spectacular climax, yet technically it is not too difficult.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Catedrales - Bert Appermont
Cathedrals have always appealed to the imagination. Hundreds of years of manpower have been invested in their building and it is not for nothing that today they represent imposing symbols of architecture and history. The cathedral is also a great source of inspiration for compositions, drawing on a full palette of acoustic echo effects, Gregorian melodies and organ based choral themes.The work "Catedrals" opens with a five tone motif using double tonguing which resonates through space. Then comes a Gregorian antiphonal theme "Salve Regina" which is heard in the euphonium and later combines with the opening motif. The quicker passage that follows is basedentirely on the intervals in the motif which by now has added rhythmic variations and develops in different forms, including a fugue. The work then builds towards its first climax, from which unusual muted sounds emerge creating an atmosphere shrouded in mystery.Gradually, more melodious fragments are added to the Gregorian antiphonal theme which develops into an expansive choral, emulating the organ and which rises above the sound mass. The work grows more powerful and brilliant in sound until it culminates in a short and explosive finale wherein elements from the whole work come together.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days