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  • £159.99

    Fantasia Per La Vita E La Morte - Bert Appermont

    The mystique surrounding life and death formed the starting point of this composition. I wanted to write a work without a story, mixed up in a kind of musical quest for a new world of sound, original rhythm sequences, melodies filled with suspenseand distinct orchestral tones.The indirect cause was the birth of my first child which took place during this time, followed by the death of a close family member. At such a moment you experience just how close life and death are to each other, anddespite one being the antithesis of the other, they are incredibly similar. Both radical events are passages into new worlds and have great emotional impact. Moreover, the work was commissioned by "New Life", an orchestra that lost one of itsmusician in a plane crash, which also led me to believe that this approach would be appropriate.I would prefer not to comment on which passages in the composition concern life (birth) and which refer to death. It seems to me that it is moreinteresting to question traditional conceptions and leave it open for the listener. If you think that a passage is about birth, and this idea then shifts, it is this that raises fascinating questions, on both a musical and metaphysical level.Music isin an indirect but incredibly persuasive way in which to express the endless striving and seeking of mankind. Music can even touch eternity, as it were, and give us the feeling that we can transcend death. This endless search (and also longing) canbe heard throughout the work; as much in the sound fields and accent shifts in the first part as in the enormous tension curves and compelling themes of the second part. The semi-tone functions in this way as a guide or something to hold on to,running through the whole work and upon which much of the musical material is based. Traces of profound love resound with quiet simplicity in the slow section's melodious solos, after which the work contemplates life and death one last time, musesupon joy and sadness, on the possibilities and limitations of people and on the why of all things.I would like to dedicate this work to my dearest daughter Paulientje, to Meterke and to Johan de Jong of the "New Life" orchestra. May it fare themwell, here or in another dimension...

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days
  • £137.99

    Odyssee - Jan Bosveld

    The Odyssee tells the story of Odysseus, the undaunted hero. In times long ago the blind poet Homer wrote this famous epic. The "Odyssey" follows the "Iliad", the story of the bloody war between the Greek and the Trojans. This battle endsafter ten years thanks to the Odysseys famous trick. the Trojan Horse. The Odyssey is not a war epic, but a story about perseverance, loyalty, adventure, and the survival instinct of its ingenious hero. In The Odyssey, Homer describes howOdysseus, the king of Ithaca, had to endure another ten years of affliction after the ten years of war in Troy before he could finally return to his home land. During those years, his wife, Penelope, had to try and keep her many admirers away.These men not only wanted het hand but also the kingship. To prove her husbands worth, she played a trick: "As soon as I have finished weaving this shroud for my father-in-law, Laertes, I will choose one of you to become my husband", she promisedthem. But during the night, she secretly loosened what she had woven during the day, prolonging the time until Odysseus would finally return. After twenty long years, when he finally stood at the door, she wondered: Is this really my husband? Ishe an imposter? Cunningly, she asked him to move the bed, because only she and her husband know that the bed was immovable and was build around an old three trunk! Odysseus was deeply moved: this really was his wife, his Penelope! Nearly threethousands years later, the loyalty and strength of this character, and all the dangerous adventures that Odysseus survived thanks to courage and intelligence, still moves us today. Odyssee by Jan Bosveld is not just an adventure story, butrather a characteristic piece in which memories of Homers story can be heard. The composition opens with a firm, stirring theme describing our hero, Odysseus, in detail: This man is not to be taken lightly. The further development of thisshort introduction completes this character sketch: trustworthy, perseverant, and a genius. After that we can picture Odysseus on the lonely beach of Ogygia. Do the trumpets depict his memories of the war of Troy? Does he think of his wife, as werecognise the weaving loom of Penelope in the murmuring eighth? In the solemn, plaintive part that follows, we can imagine Penelope feeling lonely, sitting in the womens room with her servants.One of the girls plays the harp, but that does notclear the sombre atmosphere. Then we can imagine seeing the sorceress Circe, who changed Odysseus men into swine. After she gives a simple magic sign something follows that reminds us of the sound of pigs grunting. Then the Odysseus theme resounds:the hero comes to savi his comrades. Assisted by Hermes, he forces Circe to lift the spell. The piece ends the same way as it began, with an animated theme: Odysseus is still the same, undefeated and not to be taken lighty!

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days

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  • £204.00

    Pulsar - The Metamorphosis of a Star - John Brakstad

    4th July in 1054 AD one of the most spectacular events was witnessed in the Cosmos. A massive star blew out; a supernova explosion.From the Earth it appeared as a new, bright star; the most brilliant in the sky. It was visible for three weeks, also in daylight, before it then faded away.But what was left of it is spectacular. Today we call it the "Crab Nebula".And in the very centre of the Nebula lies the remnant of the star; the core crushed by the force of gravity.This is a rotating neutron star, a pulsar, just 20 kilometres across, but so dense that it weighs more than our sun.As the neutron star spins, ejected particles stream out from its poles at almost the speed of light.These jets create powerful beams that sweep around as the star rotates.When the beams sweep across the Earth, they can be heard as regular pulses. We call them pulsars.In this piece there are three percussion parts. In addition there is an "optional part" to replace the marimba and vibraphone written in the three original percussion parts if desired. This fourth part is shown in the full score.

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days
  • £279.99

    Van Gogh (Concert Band - Score and Parts) - Doss, Thomas

    This composition is not a work inspired by the life of the famous painter, but rather an attempt at a pictorial immersion into his world. In addition to Van Gogh's character and tragic life, the technique he employed to create his works, the bright colours of his paintings and his view of nature served as inspiration for this musical work. Point by point, stroke by stroke, Van Gogh brought his own world to life on canvas.On the life of Van Gogh: The Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh was one of the most important pioneers of Modernism, despite being relatively unknown during his own lifetime. As an artist, he chose a life of poverty and seclusion. From today's perspective, his important woks were created from 1880 onwards, when he had already more or less succumbed to madness. While his earlier works could still be classed as contemporary, he matured into a pioneer of Expressionism with his later work indicating an increasing self-awareness. He was just 37 years old when he died but he created over 750 paintings and 1600 drawings in the last ten years of his life.The structure of the work:Start: Brushes and Paints: Van Gogh retired to Arles in southern France where he found his artistic home. The colours and flowering gardens of this landscape awakened in him an unbelievably great creative power.A: A Picture Comes into Being: Van Gogh's psychotic episodes and bouts of depression did not stop him from painting wonderful pictures. Hardly anyone recognised his genius during his lifetime, on the contrary, he often felt misunderstood.C: Paris - Arles: In Paris (from 1886), Van Gogh became inspired by the French art scene. His works found few takers, however. He met and befriended the painter Paul Gauguin, but the lack of success made Van Gogh short tempered, and he began to drink. Eventually, he moved from Paris to Arles in the south of France to establish an artists' collective with Gaugin. Within a few weeks, the two got into such a violent argument that Van Gogh attacked his friend with a knife. The friends parted ways and afterwards Van Gogh cut off his right ear. In 1889 he voluntarily admitted himself into a mental hospital at St. Remy, suffering from hallucinations and fearing that he would lose his mind.G: The Starry Night One of his most famous paintings, created in 1898.H: Death and Brotherly Love Vincent van Gogh accepted an invitation to Auver-sur-Oise in 1890. This was one of his most intensive creative periods. He also went there for treatment, but his mental state hardly improved. After an extended walk, he injured himself fatally with a pistol under mysterious circumstances. Not even to his beloved brother Theo, who had supported him all his life, did he reveal on his deathbed how the accident had occurred.J: Art Market Today, Van Gogh's paintings are among the most expensive paintings on the art market. How ironic, given that he could hardly sell a painting during his lifetime. "I put my heart and soul into my work and lost my mind in the process." (Vincent van Gogh)Duration: 13.15

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days

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  • £82.95

    Phantasmagoria (Concert Band - Score and Parts) - Bell, Jeremy

    Phantasmagoria is described as "a shifting series of phantasms, illusions, or deceptive appearances, as in a dream or as created by the imagination." In this fascinating piece, key centres shift just like the phantasms created by the projections of a magic lantern, creating a sense of wonder with concealed, dark undertones.

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days

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  • £60.00

    Joyant Winds (Flexible Ensemble - Score and Parts) - Huckeby, Ed

    Another outstanding Ed Huckeby young band overture adaptation in the Build-A-Band series, this has just the right combination of changing meters and rhythmic variety to make it a really big hit with your students. Interesting melodic lines and fresh, vibrant harmonies in the slow section provide the imaginative musical content for which Ed Huckeby has become so well known. Playable with as few as five instruments and percussion, this outstanding overture is highly recommended for contest or as a dramatic concert feature. Duration: 4.15

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days

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  • £118.99

    Town of the Seven Hills (Concert Band - Score and Parts) - De Haan, Jacob

    This 4-movement suite tells the story of the beautiful French town 'Tulle' that was built on seven hills, just like Rome and Lisbon. The composer depicts the history of the town, as well as important events such as the bloodbath during World War II, the fabric 'tulle' after which the town is named and the festive annual fair. Since Tulle is also known for the production of accordions, the composer added an 'ad libitum' accordion part. A really charming and stylish concert or contest work! Duration: 9.00

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days

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  • £248.99

    Refraction (Concert Band - Score and Parts) - Hadermann, Jan

    Refraction is a work that uses the entire band and all the colours it can possibly produce. As the title suggests, it was inspired the fascinating physical phenomenon known as refraction. Just like light is split and disbursed into all its colours, the main theme is split into little motives. As the individual motives are disbursed throughout the band, different sections become more prominent, only to recede into the general texture again. The work concludes with the fusion of all these elements in a monumental climax of movement, sound and colour.Duration: 17:30

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days

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  • £77.50

    Santa's Journey (Bringing Joy to the World) (Concert Band - Score and Parts) - Kaighin, Roy

    As Santa starts his journey, bringing 'Joy to the World' by delivering presents to children - and adults too, he sets off on his majestic sleigh driven by his reindeer. A few elves have snuck into the sleigh to help. With a whoosh, he flies across the sky and over the snowy mountains. The music is in continuous motion, just like Santa's Sleigh, as he has many presents to deliver before morning.The quiet moments in the music depict Santa's arrival in small villages, away from the hustle and bustle of the big cities, touching the hearts of people everywhere. During his journey, Santa discovers the elves who have apparently lost some of the presents. Santa offers a gentle reprimand before the presents are ventually found by Elfie, the youngest Elf. After all the presents have been delivered, Santa heads back home as he calls out, "I'll be back next Christmas!"Duration: 4.15

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days

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  • £51.95

    Children of the World (Concert Band - Score and Parts) - Barnes & Smith - Smith, Robert W.

    Inspired by the creation of this moving song written especially for the Expressions Music Curriculum, Robert W. Smith has created the most dynamic full pyramid concert. There are optional string parts as well as an optional children's choir. The concert band serves as the foundation for the programming of this work with the entire pyramid or any combination of the parts. Virtually any wind player can perform the solo in the absence of the choir. Just read the words, a spectacular closer for any program. Duration: 3.15

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days