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  • £59.99

    J'EU'FUL Wind Band Set (Score & Parts)

    Op 25 maart 1957 vond de ondertekening van het verdrag van Rome plaats. Dit betekende het begin van de Europese Unie (EU). De Europese 'familie' is in 50 jaar tijd gegroeid van 6 tot 27 landen, ieder met hun eigen cultuur, taal en tradities. Vrijheid, democratie, gelijkheid, de rechtsstaat en respect voor de mensenrechten zijn de gemeenschappelijke waarden die worden nagestreefd. Europese Hymne: In 1972 koos de Raad van Europa het thema van 'Ode aan de vreugde' van Ludwig van Beethoven (uit de Negende Symphonie) als het Europese Volkslied. De tekst van het lied, 'Ode aan de vreugde' (An die Freude. Ode to Joy) is van de hand van Friedrich Schiller. Net als Schiller vond Beethoven dat alle mensen gelijk waren (broeders). Ter gelegenheid van deze bijzondere verjaardag componeerde Dagmar Kildevann de vrolijke mars J'eu'ful. De titel is een woordspeling op de tekst van het Europese volkslied. Kildevann gebruikt als inleiding op het volkslied het bekende motief uit Beethoven's Vijfde Symphonie. 02:15

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  • £118.99

    Jacques Brel Toujours! Wind Band Set (Score & Parts)

    The French-speaking Flemish singer, composer and lyricist Jacques Brel was born in Brussels in 1929. In the 1950s, he broke away from his bourgeois social background of his family and started an artist's life in Paris, where he initially wrote chansons and earned a living by performing in small cabarets and bars. Over the following years he achieved worldwide fame with his chansons, which were alternately harsh and melancholic Roland Kernen has selected a number of the wonderful chansons written by this most creative artist to produce this unforgettable chanson medley. 0:07:25

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  • £59.99

    Jamaica Wind Band Set (Score & Parts)

    Jamaica is an island in the Caribbean. In 1494 it was discovered by Christopher Columbus, who used it as private property until 1509. After some skirmishes it fell under British rule and the sugar trade on the island flourished. After the abolition of slavery in 1834 it was only granted Home Rule in 1944, but it remained a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations. Whereas the export of cane sugar used to be Jamaica's main export product for many years, nowadays music has taken over this role. At first American music used to be very popular on the island. Later, however, Jamaican musicians started to experiment and thus in the end created their own musical style called Reggae. Well-known Reggae musicians are Bob Marley and Peter Tosh. The most important instruments used in Reggae are the bass and the drums. Together they form the base for the style: the riddim. A bass drum accent on the second and fourth beat are characteristic of a typically reggae drum beat. To this syncopic patterns are often added. The rhythm guitarist plays chords in a characteristic Reggae rhythm, not on, but between the beats. 02:30

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  • £244.99

    Journey to the Centre of the Earth Wind Band Set (Score & Parts)

    This composition was based on the world-famous novel by the French author Jules Verne. This novel describes the attempt to reach the centre of the earth. The descent of the crater of the volcano called Snaeffels, situated in Iceland, marks the beginning of this voyage to the sublunary world. The German geologist, professor Lidenbrock, is accompanied on this trip by his nephew Axel and an Icelandic guide named Hans. The last mentioned will be helpful in many occasions. Dark colors & mist The composer tried in this single work to give a musical expression to various significant moments from this novel. In the introduction he sketches an image of the dismal ambience on the island by using dark colors. Rising fragments of mist reveal the flanks of the monumental mountain Scataris. The composer tries to catch this image in a majestic and broad chorale. Away from Iceland Subsequently the ostinato rhythmicity and virtuosity represent the hectic descent of the crater of the volcano. The party descends ever more and more and travels south, away from Iceland. On the way, they see all kinds of rock formations, fossils and minerals. At a depth of thirty hours walking distance, at about 150 kilometers below the surface, they reach a sub terrestrial sea which is called the Lidenbrock sea. Genuine eruption of sounds Strange electric manifestations and unpredictable weather conditions accompany this singular phenomenon. An orchestral tutti-episode expresses this impression musically. On a make-shift raft, the party continues its voyage, heading to the south coast of this huge sea. Once ashore, an enormous rock obstructs the passage. The blowing up of this obstacle unleashes a genuine eruption of sounds in the orchestration. Spat out by the volcano But the explosion has an unforeseen side effect. The sea - travelers and raft included - is sucked upwards into a dark hole. Again, our heroes are accompanied on their involuntary voyage, while left to fend for themselves, by an ever increasing ostinato rhythmicity. Before an irruption can destroy the raft, the threesome manages to escape and climb up through a cave towards the daylight. They seem to be spat out by the Stromboli volcano on the island of Sicily, far from home. The composition ends with triumphant sounds that represent the scientific triumph of these adventurers. 22:00

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  • £174.99

    Juana de Arco Wind Band Set (Score & Parts)

    This sumptuous tone poem pays homage to Joan of Arc, and herdivine mission of saving her country and helping the Dauphin(crown prince) gain the French throne, during the Hundred Years'War between England and France. This and other brave actsultimately led to her being condemned both for heresy, and forwearing clothing and armor such as is worn by a man, and sentencedto death. A remarkable piece about a remarkable woman. 13:31

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  • £139.99

    Jubilate! Wind Band Set (Score & Parts)

    Jubilate's main theme comes from the Gregorian chant on the Psalm Jubliate Deo omnis terra. The work itself was inspired by the sacredhistory of the Waldkirch (a forest village) community, located on the Swiss/German boarder. It tells a tale of the Irish and Scottish monks who build the first wooden church at the site of what is now Waldkirch, of the dramatic events, good and bad, that have taken place over the centuries and of the flourishing community that has withstood the trials of time. 0:09:45

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  • £89.99

    Jubilus! Wind Band Set (Score & Parts)

    Jan van der Roost's new work Jubilus will make an ideal opening piece for any event. It is in a classical ABA form, beginning with a rising brass fanfare which is quickly replaced by a contrasting expressive lyrical theme. The two themes alternate for a few seconds until an exciting new atmosphere is created with the lively allegro. This eventful piece lets you show off many aspects of your player's style and technique without losing overall unity 0:04:20

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  • £74.99

    Juliska Wind Band Set (Score & Parts)


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  • £104.99

    Jupiter Wind Band Set (Score & Parts)

    This concert march does not begin with flourishing trumpets orloud tutti sounds: Jupiter opens refreshingly with percussioninstruments and the "high woodwinds". This original introductionis followed by a broad melodic theme and gradually features otherinstrumental groups. Thus section by section the entire band ispresented. A fantastic entrance to the concert for all players! 0:04:50

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  • £59.99

    Just a Game Wind Band Set (Score & Parts)

    Music that sounds as clear as a bell and is very suitable for elementary bands. Attention to the "clap hands" part where there are two rhythms played simultaneously. Tip: Instruct the audience that can participate. A short rehearsal is necessary in connection with the two-parts. Luck and laughter guaranteed! 02:15

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days

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