Love and Marriage Wind Band Set (Score & Parts)
Frank Sinatra interpreted the theme tune to 'Married with Children' in a characteristic Sinatra style, singing 'directly to the heart' of his audience, ensuring its popularity with listeners of all ages. In a similar way this arrangement will appeal to audiences young and old alike. 0:02:45
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Love Song Wind Band Set (Score & Parts)
Melancholy and romance in a contemporary setting. A small but brilliant gem of sonority based on a melody by the Norwegian composer Halfdan Kjerulf (1815-1868). Romance and a full command of timbre are the challenging cornerstones of any succesful interpretation of Love Song. An ideal moment of tranquillity in your programme. Melancholie en romantiek in een eigentijds jasje. Een eenvoudig doch schitterend klankwerkje gebaseerd op een melodie van de Noorse componist Halfdan Kjerulf (1815-1868). De romantiek en klankbeheersing zijn de uitdagende pijlers van Love Song. Het meditatieve moment in uw programma! 03:30
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Luces y Sombras Wind Band Set (Score & Parts)
This symphonic poem reflects over two centuries in the history of the people from the Valencian region of Spain.The piece takes us from the highs and lows (lights and shadows) of economic development in 18th Century Spain to the first half of the 20th century, with its civil war and dictatorship.The rebirth of the society, with the coming of democracy, forms the closing of the work. This highly descriptive piece paints a series of vivid musical colours through skilful use of melody, rhythm and orchestration. A truly delightful major new concert work. 19:00
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Machet die Tore Weit Wind Band Set (Score & Parts)
The numerous, mostly religious works of the Bohemian composer Andreas Hammerschmidt are composed with great craftmanship, and sound full and catchy. They were composed for 17th century village churches, in which they were sung by the congregation--and they are still familiar and popular today. Robert van Beringen took the advent hymn Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Gates and created this beautiful arrangement.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Magic Moments Wind Band Set (Score & Parts)
Every person's life is unique and sometimes it throws up precious moments that you should treasure and cherish. Not knowing when or where these may turn up makes them even more special. Dutch composer and arranger Henk Hogestein wanted to create a new composition to remind people to value such Magic Moments. 0:03:00
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Make my day Wind Band Set (Score & Parts)
Make My Day is an aptly titled piece by Ron Gilmore, designed to put a whole concert hall in the mood. Features a dramatic encore that will linger long in the ear and the mind of the listener. An ideal addition to your repertoire that really will 'make your day'! 04:00
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days