Heroic Fanfare - Paul Murtha
Originally composed for the acclaimed U.S. Army Band Herald Trumpets, Paul Murtha's dramatic fanfare pays tribute to the heroic men and women of the New York City Fire Department who lost their lives in 2001. Dur: 1:00
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Three Washington Statues - Philip Sparke
Three Washington Statues was commissioned by the United States Army Band "Pershings Own", led by Colonel Thomas H. Palmatier. Washington D.C. contains some of the world's most iconic monuments, memorials and statues. Philip Sparke has chosenthree of these as the inspiration for this piece: 'The Lincoln Memorial' in the form of a Greek Doric temple in which the composer depicts the grandeur of this monument; 'The Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial' on which steps the iconic speech 'I havea dream' was given - the music is both reverential as well as powerful referring to Martin Luther Kings' speech; and the 'Encore' statue in memory of the world famousAfrican-American composer, pianist and bandleader Duke Ellington. In this finalmovement, Philip Sparke catches the virtuosic, energetic and unique dynamism of Ellingtons' music.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Dunamis - André Waignein
Major Yvon Ducene wanted a new lush and colourful composition for his Guides military band, with Andr Waignein as its composer. Early in 1979 the composer began his assignement and in October of the same year, the finished full score was on the music stands of this prestigious military band of the Belgian Army.The introduction (Grave) mirrors an atmosphere full of serenity in which the theme, played by the oboes and the English horn is predominant and immediately holds the listener spell-bound. It is taken up again as central element of the slow movement.The Allegro breaks away from the quiet passion of the introduction. Here, the band can really show its capabilities to thefull. Based on a very precise rythm, an idiom of sudden desperation and adversity develops which, fused with a crushing agression, culminates in a kind of eruption, soom calmed down by a Lento : peace and quiet has returned thanks to a melody by the horns and soon taken over by the clarinets. In the meantime, the saxophone - an instrument full of human emotion - express the main spatial dimension in contemporary psyche. Following a harmonic transition the brass-players take up the theme again in forte whilst the basses and the woodwinds interwine in technical arabesques.The movings of the mind and the heart get an audible and almost touchable shape in the ensuing Allegro, a movement characterized by a rhythmic dialogue in which the whole orchestra participates and where the exposition contains a wealth of sound and technical contrasts. The Lento finally uses the central theme of the slow movement again, with some occasional references to the two allegros. The last page is of unprecedented grandeur. All the instruments display their most beautiful sound which were named by Jacques Ferschotte, when speaking about Honneger, "harmonies d'intensits" harmonies of the unmeasurable.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Stargazer - David Shaffer
A high energy composition with a celestial sound that's perfect for mid-level bands. Lots of bold rhythms and interesting parts for all sections. Includes a short trumpet solo and also a section that features baritone and bass clarinet (cued many other places) with the percussion. There's plenty of challenges for your players and it has enough percussion parts to keep even the largest army of drummers interested and involved! First rate composition that's an outstanding choice for any programming situation including contests and concerts!
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Songs Of America
"Songs Of America" contains arrangements of six patriotic classics, perfect for performances honoring veterans, Memorial Day, Independence Day, or any occasion requiring patriotic music. Included are "America (My Country, 'Tis Of Thee)," "America, The Beautiful," "The Stars And Stripes Forever" (trio), "The Army Goes Rolling Along," "Anchors Aweigh," and "The Marines Hymn." Each arrangement includes an optional brief introduction, and may be used individually or collectively. Very straightforward in presentation, these easy-to-prepare patriotic songs will be perfect for many performance situations. Honor America by including these "Songs Of America!"
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
The Light Eternal - James Swearingen
A powerful work that recounts the magnificent story of four U.S. Army Chaplains who heroically sacrificed their lives during World War II. "The Light Eternal" is based on the well-known hymn, "God Of Our Fathers", and is filled with an abundance of musical inventiveness that will produce a startling emotional impact on the listener. Audiences will be overwhelmed!
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
America Triumphant - Latey
Andrew Glover's latest contribution to the Barnhouse Heritage of the March series is a wonderful teaching and performance tool for mid-level bands. Composed by former Army bandmaster Keith Latey, "America Triumphant" has a bold and swaggering style that is certain to please audiences and performers alike. This 6/8 march serves as an excellent teaching tool, and we're certain that "America Triumphant" will be a concert and festival favorite for years to come!
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Music Festival - Leonard B. Smith
One of Leonard Smith's later marches, "Music Festival" was composed in 1983 and became immediately popular with audiences. Dedicated to then-commander/conductor of the U. S. Army Band, Eugene W. Allen, "Music Festival" is an exciting and virtuosic march deep in the style of John Philip Sousa.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Recalls - Ben Haemhouts
Recalls obviously refers to memories. This piece of music is in fact a series of flashbacks, however, it does not highlight the actual memories of specific thoughts, people or events.The composition evolves around the late Frans Steurs, who for manyyears was the inspirational artist behind the brass band that is currently commissioning this work. The main theme of the work is based on the name STEURS". E = mi, U = do, R = re and S = "si" which is Dutch for the note "ti". This idea forms themusical theme for the entire composition and different variations are used throughout. The structure of the work is based on the concept of a story which father Steurs is telling his two daughters, who play the flute and the clarinet. Each part ofthe work has a story-like character:1. Introduction: following a short ominous intro, the main theme is presented for the first time.2. The Story: father Steurs has both his daughters on his knee and he tells them stories from the old days. Trumpetsand trombones play variations of the theme. The story gets very exciting (accelerande, poco a poco agitato) until the tale takes a dramatic turn when the father tells an exciting story at the time of the Second World War. He tells of being hunteddown by the occupying army and these adventurous episodes are related to us musically in part3. Danger, with its skilful references to "vor dem Sturm" from "Eine Alpensinfonie" by Richard Strauss.4. called Fugitives, is about how he fled in the nightfrom the enemy and this is reflected in the bass tones of a new theme. The aggression of the war is illustrated from bar 117 onwards, by a harsh brass section. The main theme is repeated once again and this time up-tempo. The second theme is broughtonce again from bar 149 onwards.5. Dialogues, depicts the conversations between the two daughters and their father. Father speaks (bar 155); the daughters answer (bar 164 - flute, bar 166 - clarinet); bar 178: father answers with the tune of the maintheme to the two daughters. The discussions gradually intensify but ultimately end in peace in the last part called Conclusion.The piece of music "Recalls" is a free interpretation by the composer who consulted the letters between the two daughtersof Steurs and their father and in this respect it is not really music for a programme."
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Haexdonck - Guido De Ranter
This work was commissioned by the municipality of Kapelle-op-den-Bos on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of canon Jaak Muyldermans. Haexdonck is the old spelling of the present day region of "Oxdonk" where Jaak Muyldermans lived. In this three-part work the composer describes the different human aspects of canon Muyldermans' rich life. The first part, slow and dreamy, describes the writer/poet. The second dissonant part with much percussion describes his time as an army chaplain during the Great War. The third hymn-like part depicts his time as a priest. This work by Guido De Ranter, a newcomer to composition,is suitable for competitions or concerts.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days