I Left My Heart in San Francisco - George Cory
I Left My Heart in San Francisco is a popular song which has become a timeless favorite, spanning across generations. With music by George Cory and lyric by Douglass Cross, it became most well-known as the signature song of Tony Bennett. This band arrangement by Alfred Reed displays the wistful melody in a lush sonic canvas rich with the instrumental colors unique to a symphonic band. This edition includes a full score and newly engraved parts, carefully edited and adapted for modern concert bands by Mark Rogers. (Grade 3.5)
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Polar Vortex - Gene Milford
The Polar Vortex is the mass of extremely cold air situated over each of the earth's poles. Occasionally the vortex slips away from the polar region bringing unusually cold air to areas away from the pole. Polar Vortex is a depiction of a winter storm inspired by the poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson, "The Snow-Storm." It is a rhapsodic piece with many contrasting moments, styles, tempos, and colors of sound. A sophisticated new work from composer Gene Milford.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
On the Quarter Deck March
Frederick J. Ricketts composed his famous marches under the pseudonym Alford. The march On the Quarter Deck was written in 1917 during the 1st World War and was written to commemorate the Battle of Jutland. The quarter deck is the raised deck behind the main mast of a sailing ship; traditionally it was where the captain commanded his vessel and where the ship's colors were kept.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Where Mountains Touch the Sky - Robert Buckley
With sensitive scoring and use of colors and textures, this descriptive piece sounds more advanced and sophisticated than its grade level would suggest. Where Mountains Touch the Sky is a tone poem inspired by springtime in thealpine meadows of British Columbia. While the lofty peaks are still covered with snow, the rivers are flowing and the meadows are coming alive with wildflowers. This lyrical work begins quietly and peacefully, building steadily toa soaring climax before returning to a soft and reverent conclusion. Dur: 3:00
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Banners on Parade
Perfect for any patriotic event or showing pride in the national colors at any time, here is a rousing and creative arrangement of familiar flag-wavers! Stephen Bulla opens with You're a Grand Old Flag, followed by the hurrah forthe flag of the free trio section of Stars and Stripes Forever, and finishes with a toe-tapping rendition of Yankee Doodle Boy. A guaranteed crowd pleaser!
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Mountain Thyme - Samuel R. Hazo
Written as a memorial, this beautifully emotional setting is a reworking of the traditional folk song The Braes of Baquhidder (also known as Wild Mountain Thyme) by Scottish writer Robert Tannahill. Samuel Hazo uses a variedtapestry of colors, textures and dynamics, taking full advantage of the depth and power of the modern wind band in creating this stunningly effective work. Dur: 4:20
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Uproar - Michael Oare
Written in a driving fast tempo, this exciting work by Michael Oare incorporates the metric grouping of 3+3+2 as a recurring motif. At times superimposing layers of simple meter feel along with more complex patterns, Uproargenerates energy and excitement while using a variety of textures and colors within the wind and percussion sections. An impressive-sounding work for young players. Dur: 3:30
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
A Child Is Born
This energetic arrangement of the 15th-century English carol makes full use of the colors and sonorities of the concert band. The modal nature of the tune combined with contrapuntal textures, strong melodic lines and driving eighth-note rhythms will keep your entire band focused. An energetic holiday offering with plenty of sparkle and drive!
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Crystal City Overture - Edmondson
Written for the fine middle school band program in Corning, New York ("The Crystal City''), this is Edmondson's most dramatic and memorable work for this level to date. Exciting percussion, moving themes and a variety of textures and colors highlight this outstanding work for young band.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
A Portrait in Blues - Gerald Sebesky
This very effective and easy swing tune is the perfect way to introduce your young musicians to the characteristics of jazz playing. " A Portrait In Blues" also contains an optional soloists part to add to the many varied blues colors.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days