Bengal Lights - Olav Anton Thommessen
The richness of the music of the sub-contient is an eternal inspiration, showing music to be the fusion and balance of opposites: improvisation and calculation, freedom and form, rhythm and melody.Indian musical thinking has acted through thecenturies as a model for articulating thought through sound.I have based my piece on an Indian temple dance in which a short motivic nugget generates garlands and trails of sonic colour.The raga-form is maintained, with anintruduction comprizing a presentation of the scale-material, out of which the sonic nugget is forged.The work was premiered by The Norwegian Navy Band Bergen conducted by Peter Szilvay in 2007.This newversion was edited by thecomposer in 2015.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Leviathan - Franco Cesarini
The leviathan, a demoniacal sea monster that appears as a dragon or serpent, is considered in the Old Testament to be the embodiment of evil. The defeat of the demon is prophesied in Isaiah 27:1: "On that day the Lord will punish with his cruel sword, his mighty and powerful sword Leviathan that primeval sea-serpent, that writhing serpent Leviathan, and slay the monster of the deep ."The composer's main goal is to create an atmosphere thick with agitation, tumult and extreme tension rather than express specific events musically. The monstrous form of the leviathan slowly emerges from the abyss of primordial sounds at the start of the piece, recalling the eternal conflict betweengood and evil.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Those In Peril On the Sea - Andrew Glover
A blockbuster concert band fantasia based on the Navy Hymn, this is a stunning choice for contest, festival, or ceremonial use. Written as four unique and diverse variations on the famous hymn tune "Eternal Father, Strong to Save" to give your band a chance to showcase their talents and the powerhouse ending will thrill performers and audiences alike. Not to be missed!
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Anchors Aweigh - Jay Chattaway
The official march of the U.S. Navy has been expertly arranged for young bands by Jay Chattaway, the former chief arranger with the Navy Band in Washington, D.C. Includes the dramatic "Eternal Father."
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Atlantic Rhapsody - Robert Thurston
Robert Thurston uses the U.S. Navy Hymn, Eternal Father, Strong to Save, as a starting point for his expansive Atlantic Rhapsody,using the tune's melodic motifs to create moods ranging from reflective and prayerful to buoyant and adventurous. With his usual flair for musical detail, and interesting lines in every part, Thurston has written the soundtrack for an exhilarating musical voyage!
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Heaven and Earth - Jan Bosveld
An Astrological Composition. Astrology is based on the principle that each sort of time has its own quality. In order to determine the quality of a particular moment, an astrologer looks at the position of the planets in the solar sustemat that moment. Each planet has specific types of energies and its location provides unique information for a certain moment on Earth. Thus: its position in the sky tells something about what happens on Earth. In this composition the typesof energies of four planets are musically translated. The four planet were not randomly chosen. There are two pairs, whose influence and energy are opposite. Venus and Mars. Venus represents the feminine principle: harmony, beauty,art, and the ability to make relationships and to keep the peace. Venus connects, and communicates in order to maintain the balance. Mars represent the masculine principle: winning, impulsiveness, enthusiasm, and sexual energy for procreation.He creates war enabling the strongest to triumph. Mars is musically depicted in a stirring march in which enthusiasm characterises the masculine character. Saturn and Jupiter. Saturn represents concentration and withdrawal: the strongnotion of responsibility, seriousness, self-discipline and melancholy. Saturn is the hermit who will conquer his fears and worries in minimal conditions and by self-chastisement. This contemplative character is depicted in the music as if it isalmost standing still, which also reflects the given character of this planet. Jupiter represents growth and expansion: the positive, self-confidence, the good Samaritan, the healer. Jupiter is the philosopher who will make the world a betterplace, sees future possibilities, and searches for eternal values. He is the prophet who sometimes rants and raves his doctrine and proclamations, resulting musically in a whirling and upbeat finale. not looking back at what has been but searchingfor new challenges. "Heaven and Earth" was commisioned by the Music Lending and Information Centre (MUI), a department of the library for the province of Gelderland in Arnhem, The Netherlands.Een astrologische compositie. Astrologie is gebaseerd op het principe dat elke tijd zijn eigen kwaliteit heeft. ""Tijd voor koffie"" of ""het was je tijd nog niet"" als bijvoorbeeld een baan aan je neus voorbij is gegaan. Om de kwaliteit van een moment te lezen kijkt deastroloog naar de stand van de planeten in ons zonnestelsel op dat tijdstip. Elke planeet heeft specifieke energien en de plaats aan de hemel geeft unieke informatie over een bepaald moment op aarde. Oftewel: de stand aan de hemel (Ouranos) verteltiets over wat er op aarde (Gaia) gebeurt. In deze compositie worden de energien van vier planeten muzikaal vertaald. De vier planeten zijn niet lukraak gekozen. Het zijn twee paren, die qua invloed en energie tegenovergesteldzijn. Venus en Mars. Venus vertegenwoordigt het vrouwelijke principe: harmonieus, schoonheid, de kunst, het vermogen om verbindingen aan te gaan en de vrede te bewaren. Venus geeft door en verbindt om de balans te bewaren. Marsvertegenwoordigt het mannelijke principe: winnen, anderen aftroeven, impulsief en enthousiast, seksuele energie voor de voortplanting. Mars creert oorlog om de sterkste te laten zegevieren. Venus staat tot Mars als vrede staat tot oorlog, alsverbinden staat tot verbreken, als harmonie staat tot competitie. Jupiter en Saturnus. Jupiter vertegenwoordigt groei en expansie: het positieve zelfvertrouwen, de weldoener, de genezer. Jupiter is de filosoof die de wereld wilverbeteren, vooruitkijkend en zoekend naar eeuwige waarden, de profeet die soms al te bombastisch zijn leer verkondigt. Saturnus vertegenwoordigt concentratie en inkrimping: het sterke verantwoordelijkheidsbesef, soberheid, zelfdiscipline enmelancholie. Saturnus is de kluizenaar die onder minimale voorwaarden en zelfkastijding zijn angsten wil overwinnen. De harde, serieuze werker die volgens vaste regels stug doorgaat om aan zijn hoge eisen te voldoen. Jupiter staat tot Saturnusals uitbreiding staat tot inkrimping, als zelfvertrouwen staat tot faalangst, als vrijheid staat tot structuur.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Siorai September - Samuel R. Hazo
Translated from Gaelic as Eternal September, this marvelous setting for band is designed to take each listener back to their own vivid fall memories on a college campus. Commissioned by the University of Notre Dame and premieredat their Carnegie Hall performance in 2010, this work is also dedicated to the composer's father, Dr. Samuel J. Hazo, a 1949 graduate of Notre Dame. Additionally, Dr. Hazo's poem Home Are the Sailors is incorporated in the middleof the piece. Rich in musical references and varied textures, this is a dramatic and rewarding work for mature ensembles. Dur: c. 5:30
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Elegy For The U.S.S. Arizona - Larry MacTaggart
Elegy is a tribute to the lasting legacy of the members of the U.S.S. Arizona Band, entombed with over 1,100 other sailors in the sunken wreckage of the Arizona. A solemn snare drum begins and ends the piece, and the familiar strains of Eternal Father Strong to Save are used to create a moving tribute to all veterans who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Of Castles and Legends - Thomas Doss
The programmatic composition Of Castles and Legends is basedon the German legend of the white maiden who lived in the smallcity of Volkmarsen. It tells the tale of invading evil knights whokidnap a beautiful maiden, who through sheer panic commandedher spirit into the hands of God and by jumping into the abyss fromthe highest tower of the castle where she was being held. Fromthat day onward, she appeared from time to time, in shiny whitegarments, a sign of eternal heavenly joy. A fantastically descriptivepiece which portrays this tragic legend through the power of music.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Spartacus - Jan Van der Roost
Spartacus is a "Symphonic Tone Poem" with 3 joints. Each section has its own melodical materials, however: in the final movement the main theme from the second section returns in a 'grandioso'-tutti. The last bar but one recaptures the 'oriental' atmosphere of the very beginning. The first section (= from the beginning till J) builds up a climax by repeating and accumulating some melodical and rhythmical stuctures. The oriental character of the melodical fragments refers to the origin of the Roman slaves. The second section evokes the love between Spartacus and his loveby giving a peaceful atmosphere. The mean theme (presented the first time at letter L) has a broad andwide character and refers slightly to filmmusic. In this part of the composition, a special attention is given to the orchestration. The final section is more agressive and martial and refers to the revolt of the slaves against the Roman oppressors. In the middle of this movement, an accumulation of the 12 tones symbolizes the crucifixion of the slaves: the english horn resumes partly the cadenza of the flute (at letter J), as if he wants to show again the eternal love between Spartacus and his love a very last time ... The theme at the third bar of letter T is actually based on the 2nd theme of this section (which starts at the fifth bar of letter R), but has been worked out rhytmically.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days