Suite Marchigiana - Luciano Feliciani
According to a famous statement by Herder, folk songs represent the archives of a nation's knowledge, the expression of its heart and theimage that reflects its history and identity. Suite Marchigiana is a three movement piece, inspired by folk songs from the Marche in central Italy, a region with a very ancient and rich folkloristic heritage. The first movement elaborates on the well-known Pasquella. The Pasquella comes from a traditional winter begging ritual where a group of musicians go from house to house singing verses, wishing their audience good health, wealth and abundance, in return for small amounts of money, food and wine. The second movementis an Andante Triste inspired by an old song called Sona la mezzanotte (The Clock Strikes Midnight), a melancholic song that reminds us of unhappy love stories, bereavement, and so on. Luciano Feliciani concludes the suite with the Saltarello Marchigiano, which is bright and sparkling, and therefore in complete contrast with the previous movement. Although unproven, the Saltarello is thought to have its origins in the 'saltatio' (a latin dance). While the choreae were group dances, circular in structure and with a rhythmic progression, the saltationes were more lively in character. The fast, frenetic and joyous saltarello was without any doubt the most famous musical expression of rural central Italy in the nineteenth century.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
The Legend of Ratu Kidul - Filip Ceunen
The Legend of Ratu Kidul carries us into the world of Indonesian mythology, on the island of Java:Once upon a time, the Queen of the Southern Seas was a kind and beautiful princess. She was the daughter of Prabu Munding Wangi, the favourite ofthe entire court and the local people. Her royal father doted on his daughter. Her name was Dewi Kadita, but many called her Dewi Srengenge or the Angry Princess.Prabu Munding Wangi longed for an heir, but Dewi Kadita's mother couldn't fulfil thiswish. So he took a second wife, called Poetri Moentiara, who was very jealous of the lovely princess and her mother. She begged the king to banish both her rivals from court. However Prabu Munding Wangi didn't do as she asked. He loved his first wifeand her daughter. The second wife bore him a healthy heir, but the monarch remained firm. So Poetri Moentiara called upon the renowned witch, Djahil. She promised her a princely reward, if Dewi Kandita and her mother were banished. Djahil thought fora moment and incanted this rapal (spell): "May leprosy befall you both". Soon both mother and daughter began to suffer this dreadful disease. According to the law of the land, they were to be banished to the wild forest high on the mountain. With aheavy heart, King Munding Wangi saw the law carried out. So the two set off on their way to the forest, covered in terrible sores. A great sadness fell across the land, except for Poetri Moentiara, the second wife of the king, who had achieved heraim. The princess fell on hard times. In the forest lived a hermit, who took pity on the mother and daughter. The queen couldn't bear the shame and within a few days had died. Now Dewi Kandita was all alone in the world. There was still the hermit,however, who fortunately provided food and shelter in a cave temple. He bound her weeping sores but couldn't relieve her emotional pain. Dewi Kandita became increasingly bitter and eventually left the hermit. She travelled southward from village tovillage, further and further, until eventually she reached the shores of the Southern Sea. She climbed upon a high cliff and gazed out onto the sea that spread before her. She was tempted to dive into the deep green and blue. In the cool waters shewould be able to forget all her pain and suffering. Suddenly awaking from these thoughts, she jumped into the deep. The gods, who had looked on Dewi Kandita throughout her hardships, were filled with deep compassion. So they transformed her into apowerful spirit of the netherworld, Ratu Kidul, and to this day she resides in her grand palace under the sea.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Postcard from Greece - Jacob de Haan
This short piece reflects the atmosphere of Greece in its entire splendor. White houses against a clear blue sky near the sea, sandy beaches, tiny streets and arches in lovely fishing villages, typical Greek food like moussaka, along with the Greek folk dances such as the Sirtaki. Take your audience to a balmy summer evening on a Greek island with this colourful new work.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Ministry of Winds - Jacob de Haan
Ministry of Winds provides some interesting food for thought that Jacob de Haan translates into music. What if there was a Ministry of Winds? It would be in charge of the advancement and dissemination of music throughout the nation, as well as strengthening the state through music and providing its citizens with entertainment, support, comfort and joy. All these aspects are mirrored in Jacob de Haan's composition, culminating in all the joy and happiness the creation of this ministry has provided to the people.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days