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  • £84.40

    The Enchanted Forest

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days
  • £53.95

    Forest Brook Overture - Erik Morales

    This quintessential festival work will showcase your band with its bold brass fanfares, playful melodies, and an emotional uplifting middle section. Invigorating harmonies really set this apart from other overtures at this level, and the closing section somehow combines all prior themes in a fury of rhythmic activity to really bring this to an exciting conclusion. Outstanding writing that will surely be the highlight of your next program or contest performance!

    Estimated delivery 3-5 days

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  • £76.99

    Martial Rabbit - Leonard

    Morning in the forest. Peter Rabbit assembles his troops and they parade through the forest, to the accompaniment of the various birds. The barking of dogs is heard in the distance, gradually drawing closer. At the approach of the dogs, pandemonium reigns and the rabbits scurry to shelter -- but, as the dogs disappear, in the distance, the war-like spirit is received. Peter Rabbit again assembles his troops as they march, passing in review and away through the forest.

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days
  • £134.99

    The Legend of Ratu Kidul - Filip Ceunen

    The Legend of Ratu Kidul carries us into the world of Indonesian mythology, on the island of Java:Once upon a time, the Queen of the Southern Seas was a kind and beautiful princess. She was the daughter of Prabu Munding Wangi, the favourite ofthe entire court and the local people. Her royal father doted on his daughter. Her name was Dewi Kadita, but many called her Dewi Srengenge or the Angry Princess.Prabu Munding Wangi longed for an heir, but Dewi Kadita's mother couldn't fulfil thiswish. So he took a second wife, called Poetri Moentiara, who was very jealous of the lovely princess and her mother. She begged the king to banish both her rivals from court. However Prabu Munding Wangi didn't do as she asked. He loved his first wifeand her daughter. The second wife bore him a healthy heir, but the monarch remained firm. So Poetri Moentiara called upon the renowned witch, Djahil. She promised her a princely reward, if Dewi Kandita and her mother were banished. Djahil thought fora moment and incanted this rapal (spell): "May leprosy befall you both". Soon both mother and daughter began to suffer this dreadful disease. According to the law of the land, they were to be banished to the wild forest high on the mountain. With aheavy heart, King Munding Wangi saw the law carried out. So the two set off on their way to the forest, covered in terrible sores. A great sadness fell across the land, except for Poetri Moentiara, the second wife of the king, who had achieved heraim. The princess fell on hard times. In the forest lived a hermit, who took pity on the mother and daughter. The queen couldn't bear the shame and within a few days had died. Now Dewi Kandita was all alone in the world. There was still the hermit,however, who fortunately provided food and shelter in a cave temple. He bound her weeping sores but couldn't relieve her emotional pain. Dewi Kandita became increasingly bitter and eventually left the hermit. She travelled southward from village tovillage, further and further, until eventually she reached the shores of the Southern Sea. She climbed upon a high cliff and gazed out onto the sea that spread before her. She was tempted to dive into the deep green and blue. In the cool waters shewould be able to forget all her pain and suffering. Suddenly awaking from these thoughts, she jumped into the deep. The gods, who had looked on Dewi Kandita throughout her hardships, were filled with deep compassion. So they transformed her into apowerful spirit of the netherworld, Ratu Kidul, and to this day she resides in her grand palace under the sea.

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days

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  • £72.99

    Sunlight Dancing (Concert Band - Score and Parts) - Buckley, Robert

    Sunlight Dancing was inspired by a walk through a forest on a bright summer day - the sunlight was flickering between the leaves and it seemed like the whole forest was dancing. This is a celebratory work expressing positive energy and optimism - designed to lift people's spirits. From the joyful opening to the beautifully reflective lyric section to the final exhilarating flourish, this piece is full of tuneful melodies, driving percussion and dynamic contrasts. An exciting concert opener or festival piece that showcases all sections of the band.Duration: 6.00

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days
  • £80.00

    Ghillie Dhu (Flexible Ensemble - Score and Parts) - Earp, Joseph Benjamin

    Elf of the Forest from Scottish FolkloreGhillie Dhu (Gill-e Dew) Elf of the Forest is inspired by a friendly but often wild creature from Scottish Folklore. This mythical being is given life through the captivating writing of Joseph Benjamin Earp. Scored for flexible instrumentation, Ghillie Dhu is a wonderful teaching tool for instrumental ensembles focused on polyrhythms and compound time signatures. Appropriate for any concert or festival performance.Duration: 3.00

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days

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  • £75.00

    Sherwood Folk (Concert Band - Score and Parts) - Anderson, Keiron

    This piece was written for the Nottingham Wind Ensemble to celebrate 30 years of music making. The piece describes a party or celebration deep in Sherwood Forest with the legendary Robin Hood, Maid Marian and the Merry Men. The word "Merry" in those days meant following an outlaw or a leader rather than the way we use it today. The music invites us into the forest with a gentle modal oboe solo which is joined by other instruments as it proceeds to the party. Various melodic episodes introduce elements of folk and dance music from the whole of the British Isles before the music concludes with a recapitulation of the opening bars. The score is written in such a way as to allow bands with fewer resources to play the piece successfully, whilst ensuring a full wind orchestra orchestration is included. Duration: 4.00

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days
  • £179.99

    Amazonia (Concert Band - Score and Pars) - Van der Roost, Jan

    This major concert work consists of five movements:1st movement: La Laguna del Shimbe. Situated high up in the Andes mountains in Northern Peru are the Huaringas, a group of lagoons in isolated and mysterious surroundings. The water has healing powers and for centuries traditional healers have settled there in small villages. From far the sick come to the Huaringas to be treated in nightly rituals, in which the hallucinating juice of the San Pedro cactus gives the prophet a look inside his patient. The biggest lagoon is the "Laguna del Shimbe", one of the countless wells of the immense Amazon stream.2nd movement: Los Aguarunas. Further downstream in Northern Peru we come across the rain tribe of Los Aguarunas. It's a proud, beautiful and independent race, which has never succumbed to domination, not even from the Incas. They live from everything the forest has to offer: fish, fruit, plants... They also grow some crops and live as semi-nomads. They take their fate into their own hands and after having made contact with modern civilisation, they have integrated new elements into their lives without betraying their own ways.3rd movement: Mekaron. Mekaron is an Indian word meaning "picture", "soul", "essence". The Indians are the original inhabitants of the Amazon region. They either live in one place as a group or move around a large region. They all have their own political system, their own language and an intense social life. At the same time they are master of music and medicine. "Everywhere the white man goes, he leaves a wilderness behind him", wrote the North American Indian leader Seatl in 1885. As a result of these contacts with the whites, the disruption of most Indian societies began. (In this century alone, 80 tribes have vanished completely).4th movement: Ktuaj. This is the name of the initiating ceremony of the Krah tribe in the Brazilian state of Goias, in which young boys and girls enter adult life. They are cleansed with water, painted with red paint and covered with feathers, after which the ritual dance holds the entire tribe spell-bound.5th movement: Paulino Faiakan. In 1988 the Indian chiefs Faiakan and Raoni Kaiapo came to Europe to protest against the building of the Altamira dam in Brazil. As a result of the dam the Indians would be driven from their traditional land and enormous artificial would be created. The project was supported financially by, amongst others, the European Community. In February 1989 the Indian tribes around Altamira held a protest march for the first time in their history together. Amongst other things they paid tribute tot Chico Mendez, who, murdered in 1988, was the leader of the rubber syndicate and a fierce opponent of the destruction of the Brazilian rain forest. Brazilian and world opinion was awakened. The building of the dam was, albeit temporarily, stopped.Duration: 12:30

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days

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  • £72.99

    Sunlight Dancing - Robert Buckley

    Sunlight Dancing was inspired by a walk through a forest on a bright summer day - the sunlight was flickering between the leaves and it seemed like the whole forest was dancing. This is a celebratory work expressing positive energy and optimism - designed to lift people's spirits. From the joyful opening to the beautifully reflective lyric section to the final exhilarating flourish, this piece is full of tuneful melodies, driving percussion and dynamic contrasts. An exciting concert opener or festival piece that showcases all sections of the band. Dur: ca. 6:00

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days
  • £179.99

    Amazonia - Jan Van der Roost

    This major concert work cosists o five movements.1st movement: La Laguna del ShimbeSituated high up in the Andes mountains in Northern Peru are the Huaringas, a group of lagoons in isolated and mysterious surroundings. The water has healing powersand for centuries traditional healers have settled there in small villages. From far the sick come to the Huaringas to be treated in nightly rituals, in which the hallucinating juice of the San Pedro cactus gives the prophet a look inside hispatient. The biggest lagoon is the "Laguna del Shimbe", one of the countless wells of the immense Amazon stream.2nd movement: Los AguarunasFurther downstream in Northern Peru we come across the rain tribe of Los Aguarunas. It's a proud, beautiful andindependent race, which has never succumbed to domination, not even from the Incas. They live from everything the forest has to offer: fish, fruit, plants, ... . They also grow some crops and live as semi-nomads. They take their fate into their ownhands and after having made contact with modern civilisation, they have integrated new elements into their lives without betraying their own ways.3rd movement: MekaronMekaron is an Indian word meaning "picture", "soul", "essence". The Indians are theorigina inhabitants of the Amazon region. They either live in one place as a group or move around a large region. They all have their own political system, their own language and an intense social life. At the same time they are master of music andmedicine. "Everywhere the white man goes, he leaves a wilderness behind him", wrote the North American Indian leader Seatl in 1885. As a result of these contacts with the whites, the disruption of most Indian societies began. (In this century alone,80 tribes have vanished completely).4th movement: KtuajThis is the name of the initiating ceremony of the Krah tribe in the Brazilian state of Goias, in which young boys and girls enter adult life. They are cleansed with water, painted with redpaint and covered with feathers, after which the ritual dance holds the entire tribe spell-bound.5th movement: Paulino FaiakanIn 1988 the Indian chiefs Faiakan and Raoni Kaiapo came to Europe to protest against the building of the Altamira dam inBrazil. As a result of the dam the Indians would be driven from their traditional land and enormous artificial would be created. The project was supported financially by, amongst others, the European Community. In February 1989 the Indian tribesaround Altamira held a protest march for the first time in their history together. Amongst other things they paid tribute tot Chico Mendez, who, murdered in 1988, was the leader of the rubber syndicate and a fierce opponent of the destruction of theBrazilian rain forest. Brazilian and world opinion was awakened. The building of the dam was -albeit temporarily - stopped.

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days

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