Symphony No. 2: States Of Mind, Opus 87 - Teo Aparicio-Barberán
I- Logos (reason)II- Pathos (emotion)III- Ethos (credibility)The ancient Greeks believed that music shaped the character of man. In Egyptian temples, music was an essential part of the magical rites to alter the course of nature or to treat illness.And today we know that sound can actually alter matter. The secret of music lies in harmony and mathematics, as many great musicians and experts have always known.One of the most important qualities of music is that it enables the listener to focushis attention inwards instead of on what is around him. It is indisputable that music can inspire emotion. Music leads us into a universe of emotions that are difficult to put into words. In short, music reaches into corners of our soul and thoughtsthat words cannot reach and makes it possible to more clearly describe these different States of mind.The composer of this symphony also believes that each "musical argument" must be constructed so that it will induce the desired reaction in thelistener.Music: more than wordsIn recent times, most orchestral symphonies have been based on a story, a text or something similar so that their composition must be structured accordingly.The intention of this work by Teo Aparicio-Barbern is quitedifferent. The composer describes the three elements of the argument as the only formal structure of the work. Since certain philosophers in world history were able to subdivide grammatical argument, why shouldnt that also be possible for the musicalargument?Since ancient times the power of the spoken word has captivated mankind. How can an argument move people and mobilise the masses? Where does the power of words come from today? The answer lays not so much in what people say but in how theysay it.Rhetoric is one of the oldest humanist disciplines in Western civilisation. Aristotle, in the 4th century BC, called it the art of persuasion. Indeed, the terms rhetoric and persuasion are mutually interchangeable.More than 2000 years agoAristotle structured his rhetoric according to the following three elements: the logos, the pathos and the ethos.Logos (words, reason) is the reasoning that gives freedom to the structure of the text by expressing what one wishes to say usingspecialist terms. With logos we create arguments to receive public approval and to defend our ideas.Pathos, the second element, refers to the effective use of public psychology. Pathos can be considered as the capacity to induce the desired emotionalresponse in the public, by creating an emotional connection with the public so that they accept our message.The third element, ethos (credibility), refers to the character of the speaker and is perhaps the most important of the three elements.Aristotle based his concept of ethos upon his belief that truth and justice will always have the upper hand over anger. He believed that what was true and good was easier to prove and was more persuasive.This second orchestral symphony from thecomposer from Enguera follows these three parameters of the argument according to Aristotle. Each movement tries to summon a different state of mind in the listener so that the message itself can be better understood and appreciated. Apart from thesethree general concepts the music is only structured, as Claude Debussy would say, in a "formative way".The first movement, logos, is based on a scherzo melody that undergoes various changes in rhythm and harmony. The arguments are presented by meansof conventional techniques of composition. The second movement, pathos, is characterised by suggestions of sound. It is subdivided into two large parts. The first part is based on a five seven sequence with five sounds that are repeated in differentenvironments, structures and dynamics. The second part, which is largely tonal, brings out more directly the emotional overtones that each argument must have. The third movement, ethos, is a faithful rendition of the composers personality. In thislast part, clear rhythmic sequences stand out, there are large dynamic contrasts and lots of tone variation. In addition, and this is quite in keeping with the composers earlier work, the harmony in States of Mind is handled in a manner that is bothoriginal and efficient, as a result of which Aparicio-Barberns message is well understood by the listener.This second symphony by Teo Aparicio-Barbern is devoted to "my dear Henrie Adams, a guiding light in this eternally dark musical world. Thankyou for everything."
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Verdi's Triumphs - Giuseppe Verdi
This piece, as the title might suggest, brings together Verdi's greatest operatic triumphs. Amongst his best hits are Nabucco from 1842, which signified a turn-around after the flop of a previous opera, as well as Rigoletto, which in 1851 propelled him to international fame. Verdi's Triumphs features: Triumphmarch and Su! Del nilo al sacro lido from Aida, the Prisoners' Freedom Choir from Nabucco and La donna mobile from Rigoletto.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
The Legend of Flathead Lake - Carl Wittrock
In Scotland, the monster of Loch Ness is a hot issue, but the American state of Montana enjoys a comparable phenomenon going by the name of Montana Nessie. In the western part of this remote state lies Flathead Lake: a lake of 45 kilometres /38miles in lenght and 24 kilometres /15 miles breath. At several places, its depth exeeds 100 metres.Nessies discovery takes us back to the year 1889, when captain James Kerr aboard the passengership U.S.Grant was startled by a ship unknown to himsuddenly approaching his vessel across Flathead Lake. However, it turned out not to be a ship but an undefinable animal of immense size.From that moment onwards, life would never be the same again in and around Flathead Lake.The composer wasinspired by the story, and summarized the events into a symphonic poem, but from a surprising angle:that of the monster. The exiting opening allows us to follow the monster in its natural surroundings.The fast follow-up movement depictsMontana Nessie trotting and frolicking about the Montana woods and prairies.From its abode, it thorougly enjoys everything around it. This period abruptly ends in a short climax (Chimes). The solo for cor anglais marks a new period in themonsters life.The presence of people has a paralizing effect and the apprehensive atmosphere of the slow movement may be felt profoundly.The monster observes and mildly teases the ship. Abhor sounds force the ship to a withdrawal.The movingmusical continuation depicts the triumphant monster dancing an ironic waltz. The monsters fear and anger at the intrusion of his freedom run through the piece like continuous threads, and develop into the works final theme.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Celtic Ritual - John Higgins
MusicWorks Grade 3. Celtic Ritual captures the unique mix of joy and sadness in the Celtic culture, forged by a thousand years of fighting for freedom. John Higgins' dramatic work also depicts the legendary race of superhuman warriors who were also highly gifted in music and the arts. This is a piece your students need to experience!
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Country Band March - Charles E. Ives
From the out of tune introduction to the pandemonium which reigns at the close, the Country Band March is a marvelous parody of the realities of performance by a country band. While the main march theme is probably Ives' own, the march features an impressive list of quotations that includes Arkansas Traveler," Battle Cry of Freedom," British Grenadiers," The Girl I Left Behind Me," London Bridge," Marching Through Georgia," Massa's in de Cold, Cold Ground," My Old Kentucky Home," Violets," Yankee Doodle," May Day Waltz and Semper Fidelis. There is rarely anything straight-forward about the use of this material: the tunes are subjected to Ives's famous techniques ofpoly-everything. Of particular interest is Ives's use of ragtime elements to enliven this already spirited march.)
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Music for Happiness - Gerald Oswald
As the title suggests, the Austrian composer Gerald Oswald's work Music for Happiness aims above all to convey a message: the great joy in making music together. Music making is joyful and relaxing, and brings a carefree, liberating freedom into the lives of listeners and musicians alike. It conjures a smile on our lips and inspires us to perform in our daily lives with gusto and spirit.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
We Hold These Truths - James L. Hosay
Chosen for this piece are prominent freedom songs of the civil rights movement, for when it was most needed, music brought inspiration and hope to the struggle. WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS pays tribute to the leaders and participants of the civil rights movement, especially the children and young adults.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
An Irish Lullaby - Stephen Bulla
What can be more charming than a comely Irish folk melody? This is music that allows the band to play in the rubato style, with much room for expression. Found in an old British publication and simply called "Irish Air," this endearing arrangement is a rhapsodic treatment that takes fragments of the melody and develops them into a large symphonic work. The freedom of tempi allows you to work with your band in a sensitively conducted way that only a beautiful piece like this will allow.There is always room on a concert program for at least one lush, melodic contrast piece. Perhaps this one is for you. It's so difficult to describe a thing of real beauty. Please listen tothe demo recording and hear it for yourself.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Lngstrump Samba - Jan Johansson
The popular Swedish children's series Pippi Lngstrump (Pippi Longstocking) is about an exceedingly strong and strong-willed little girl with red braids - who is the brainchild of Astrid Lindgren. This series has been broadcasted in many countries. I arranged its cheerful theme tune in samba style. Even with the new rhythm, the original song is still very recognizable. In the exuberant samba style, the percussion plays an important role. Within the Lngstrump Samba, this is especially clear in the ad libitum percussion solo halfway through the arrangement. The solo can go on as long as desired, and offers plenty of freedom because of the free choice of the instruments used.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Here comes Bobby the Bear - Andreas Ludwig Schulte
Rock music is always a success. And when it is supported verbally as it is done in this composition, the party can begin. Bobby is a friendly circus animal that has seen a lot of the world. There is nothing left to wish for and his freedom from worries radiates from this rock march by Andreas Ludwig Schulte.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days