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  • £69.00

    UNO-Marsch - Robert Stolz

    In the 1960's, Austrian composer Robert Stolz (1880-1975) wrote the "UNO-Marsch" op. 1275, the United Nations March. He was inspired and motivated by his friend Ralph Bunche, a U.S. diplomat and civil rights activist. Even as an adolescent, African-American Bunche was concerned with race issues and repression. With time he acquired high political status and was a mediator for the United Nations during several global crises. In 1950, he was the first Black person to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The two friends Ralph Bunche and Robert Stolz (who had left his homeland in the National Socialism era) felt strongly connected by their revulsion of racial segregation and by their wish for humanity's peaceful coexistance."UNO-Marsch" honors the important work of the United Nations and is a musical tribute to the larger goal of peace. The composition gained particular European popularity when the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and conductor Mariss Jansons opened their famous New Year's concert in 2016 with "UNO-Marsch".

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £104.99

    Galileo - Thomas Doss

    For this spirited concert march, the creative and lively mind of the great Italian mathematician, physicist and astronomer Galileo Galilei, who lived from 1564 to 1642, served as a source of inspiration. Galileo was the founder of experimental thinking in physics, and he made numerous discoveries and formulated many useful theories in this field. His reluctance to unquestioningly accept established authorities and ideas was also typical of his inventive mind. Moreover, Galileo was more accessible to the common people. He tried to encourage them to think for themselves, and he published his research results in the form of dialogues that were easy to understand. This accessibleconcert march - a suitable homage to Galileo - builds a bridge between the musician and the listener.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £89.99

    Copernicus - Johan Nijs

    Polish academic Nicolaus Copernicus was a genius, excelling in the fields of mathematics, physics, law and astronomy. He is most remembered for his then revolutionary model of the solar system. Going against the grain, he put forward the idea that the sun, and not the earth, was the focal point of our solar system and all the planets revolve around it. Despite the initial uproar his ideas caused, he revolutionised science during the 15th century. His influence can still be felt today and despite being separated by many centuries, Copernicus inspired composer Johan Nijs to write this exciting piece for concert band.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £68.99

    Hippo Hop - Kevin Houben

    Hippo Hop is a fun piece for young and old alike. Hippo the hippopotamus is in the mood for a dance, but can he actually do it? "The proof of the pudding is in the eating!" he says to himself as he strides over the African plains.The other animals look on admiringly as Hippo tries a little jump: hip, hop... It's going so well! A stirring melody line is played throughout the entire concert band, with every part playable yet challenging.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £144.99

    Andante & Rondo - Antonio Capuzzi

    Antonio Capuzzi (August 1, 1755 - March 28, 1818) was an Italian violinist and composer who studied violin with Nazari and composition with Bertoni. In 1805 he moved to Bergamo, where he was professor of violin at the Instituto Musicale and leader of the orchestra at Teatro Riccardi. He was highly regarded there both as a teacher and a performer. Although popular in his day, most of his music is now forgotten; his most commonly performed piece today is the Concerto for Double Bass. All of Capuzzi's known compositions were written during his Venetian years. It was in Venice that Capuzzi became close friends with Domenico Dragonetti, Beethoven's virtuoso bassist. It isspeculated that Capuzzi wrote his Concerto for Double Bass for Dragonetti. Gerald Oswald has made a fine arrangement of the second (Andante) and third (Rondo) movements of the concerto to feature either euphonium or tuba with concert band. The solo part is also available in an edition with piano accompaniment.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £129.99

    Ratatouille Satirique - Traditional

    Erik Satie, born in Honfleur in Normandy (France) in 1866 is undoubtedly one of the most striking personalities in the history of French music. He composed in various, often quite divergent, styles. Besides light-hearted, entertaining works he also wrote several serious compositions, among which the three ballets: Parade, Rel che and Les Aventures de Mercure. However his piano pieces, such as Trois Gymnopdies or Gnossiennes will remain his most popular compositions. Satie co-operated with almost all great artists of his time: Pablo Picasso, Jean Cocteau, Sergej Diaghilev and Georges Braque and the composers Darius Milhaud (Le Groupe des Six) and Claude Debussy. Johan deMeij made an orchestration of three short pieces by Erik Satie: I. Prlude (from: Jack in the Box) II. Rverie (from: Trois petites pices montes) III. Marche: Le Piccadilly (1904) It was only after Satie's death in 1925 that the manuscript of the piano piece Jack in the Box was recovered. Satie himself thought he had lost the manuscript in a bus. When his flat in Arceuil was cleaned out, a small notebook was discovered behind his piano and it contained the manuscript which was assumed to be lost forever. The Rverie (De l'Enfance de Pantagruel) is an extract from Trois petites pices montes, originally composed for small symphony orchestra. In this suite it is meant as a restful intermezzo. It is clear that, as with Milhaud (La Cration du Monde) and Debussy (Golliwogg's Cakewalk; Le Petit Ngre), it is hard to deny obvious influences of jazz music in Erik Satie's compositions. Le Piccadilly, dating from 1904, displays a lot of similarities with the compositions of Scott Joplin.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £94.50

    Zeus: King Of The Gods - Rob Romeyn

    This monumental programmatic work from the pen of Rob Romeyn captures the myth and legend of Zeus, the mythical master of the gods and men. A sky god, he controls lightning, which he uses as a weapon, and thunder. It opens as Zeus becomes involved in the Trojan war, hurling lightning bolts at his opponents. The tension soon subsides as we are introduced to the eternally beautiful Hera, whom Zeus would eventually marry. The music then ensues as our story unfolds, as Zeus made his domain the mountaintops and clouds where he could survey all creation, and inflict pain and justice on all evildoers. Tension builds as Zeus battles Typhon in hand to hand combat, ending ultimately with Zeus throwing the enormous Mt. Etna at the monster, pinning him underneath. From here, the tension subsides, and a beautiful lyrical section builds to an ending of incredible power and grandeur as Zeus again reaffirms his stature as the ruler of Mt. Olympus. This exceptional work is a wonderful addition to any concert or festival performance!

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £93.50

    Mozart's Sandbox - J. Scott McKenzie

    What kind of music would Mozart write if he were alive today and had been exposed to jazz, rock 'n' roll, and polytonality? This piece supposes that he would start with what he knew and then figure it out on the fly! Mozart's Sandbox is a piece rich with depth and humor, but thoughtfully scored for young bands.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £74.99

    Playday! - Benjamin Yeo

    Playday! is a concert march for wind band that displays the composer's sheer joy at writing music. He was in fact writing another piece of serious music when a sudden burst of inspiration came to him - he knew he had to put the other piece aside to start work on this special march immediately. Excited to get his music into writing and share it with the world, the march was completed in just three short days. Full of fun and playful sounds, Playday! opens up many imaginative possibilities within the familiar concert march form.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £134.99

    The Legend of Ratu Kidul - Filip Ceunen

    The Legend of Ratu Kidul carries us into the world of Indonesian mythology, on the island of Java:Once upon a time, the Queen of the Southern Seas was a kind and beautiful princess. She was the daughter of Prabu Munding Wangi, the favourite ofthe entire court and the local people. Her royal father doted on his daughter. Her name was Dewi Kadita, but many called her Dewi Srengenge or the Angry Princess.Prabu Munding Wangi longed for an heir, but Dewi Kadita's mother couldn't fulfil thiswish. So he took a second wife, called Poetri Moentiara, who was very jealous of the lovely princess and her mother. She begged the king to banish both her rivals from court. However Prabu Munding Wangi didn't do as she asked. He loved his first wifeand her daughter. The second wife bore him a healthy heir, but the monarch remained firm. So Poetri Moentiara called upon the renowned witch, Djahil. She promised her a princely reward, if Dewi Kandita and her mother were banished. Djahil thought fora moment and incanted this rapal (spell): "May leprosy befall you both". Soon both mother and daughter began to suffer this dreadful disease. According to the law of the land, they were to be banished to the wild forest high on the mountain. With aheavy heart, King Munding Wangi saw the law carried out. So the two set off on their way to the forest, covered in terrible sores. A great sadness fell across the land, except for Poetri Moentiara, the second wife of the king, who had achieved heraim. The princess fell on hard times. In the forest lived a hermit, who took pity on the mother and daughter. The queen couldn't bear the shame and within a few days had died. Now Dewi Kandita was all alone in the world. There was still the hermit,however, who fortunately provided food and shelter in a cave temple. He bound her weeping sores but couldn't relieve her emotional pain. Dewi Kandita became increasingly bitter and eventually left the hermit. She travelled southward from village tovillage, further and further, until eventually she reached the shores of the Southern Sea. She climbed upon a high cliff and gazed out onto the sea that spread before her. She was tempted to dive into the deep green and blue. In the cool waters shewould be able to forget all her pain and suffering. Suddenly awaking from these thoughts, she jumped into the deep. The gods, who had looked on Dewi Kandita throughout her hardships, were filled with deep compassion. So they transformed her into apowerful spirit of the netherworld, Ratu Kidul, and to this day she resides in her grand palace under the sea.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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