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  • £159.99

    Mantua (Concert Band - Score and Parts)

    The city of Mantua holds significant historical importance for the southern Italy's region of Tyrol. In this dramatic work Otto M Schwarz tells the tale of the Tyrolian freedom fighter Andreas Hofer who was executed in Mantua in 1809. The composer follows the life of this great folk hero, from his humble beginnings as an innkeeper to his death. This piece has all the energy of an exciting adventure movie - just without the pictures, of course! 14:00

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  • £159.99

    Nostradamus (Concert Band - Score and Parts)

    Nostradamus is probably the best-known prophet of the last 1000 years. He lived at the time of the Inquisition and his predictions and medical therapies as a physician caused him to face the wrath of the church forcing him to flee many times. Following the loss of his family to the plague he devoted himself to clairvoyancy. He predicted many events in history in coded form and although there are many ways to interpret these, many are believed to be accurate and Nostradamus is still considered to be a unique personality. Whether he is denounced as a charlatan or promoted as a myth he has surely moved humankind with his prophecies.Otto M. Schwarz, soundtrack composer since 2001, wrote a cinematographic work about this man, who is probably the best-known prohet of the last 1000 years. 12:30

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  • £94.99

    Ready - Steady - Brass! (Concert Band - Score and Parts)

    Ready - Steady - Brass! is one of a number of successful works by Otto M. Schwarz such as Last Call, Funky Winds, Glory Fanfare and Groove Machine. Starting with a fanfare-style opening the music takes a journey through melodic sections and technical, soloistic passages to a grandiose finale.

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  • £149.99

    The Count of Monte Cristo (Concert Band - Score and Parts)

    This fantastic new concert work by Otto M. Schwarz is based on the infamous tale of The Count of Monte Christo. Set in 1815 - a few days before Napoleon invaded France, the story is one of adventure on the high seas, spying, buried treasure and savage revenge. So many emotions in one fantastic concert work - this piece is sure to be a winner.

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  • £84.99

    The Sound of my Life Wind Band Set (Score & Parts)

    With this composition, Otto M. Schwarz shows himself totally capable of composing a work with a somber, almost melancholic character. Melody and counterpoint, accompanied by a peaceful harmony, play a kind of question and answer game in this short composition. The piece is written in a rather ABA form, with the perusiion complementing the whole very effectively. 0:03:00

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  • £248.99

    The White Tower (Concert Band - Score and Parts)

    The year is 1798 and thieves, robbers, and bandits prowl the countryside, wreaking havoc wherever they go and more often than not escaping without so much as a scratch. This was, however, not the case with a supposedly well-planned assault on the German town of Daaden, during which 20 long sought-after crooks from Germany, France, and Holland where captured. Otto M. Schwarz' exciting musical montage lets people experience the planning, assault, and attempted retreat first hand! 20:05

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  • £148.99

    Joyride - Otto M. Schwarz

    "Joyride" was composed on behalf of the city of Landeck in Austria to embody the spirit of adventure, flourishing development, and a promising future. It not only describes economic progress but also the cultural richness of a modern city of the future. The composition opens with a majestic fanfare seamlessly transitioning into a cheerful allegro in 7/8 time signature. Following a section steadily gaining momentum, a tranquil middle passage ensues, immersing the piece in a contemplative mood. The reprise reintegrates the opening motifs in varied forms. Joyride" provides an opportunity for all instrumental groups to showcase their abilities in the composer's characteristic musical language.

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  • £139.99

    Omens - Otto M. Schwarz

    On this Earth, countless secret signs and symbols exist, weaving a fascinating mystique around them. The circle, the All-Seeing Eye, the star, and the snake - all adorn banknotes, embellish walls, and majestically throne in ancient churches. These symbols are perhaps the most well-known of their kind, fascinating with their multifaceted meanings.To outsiders, they may often appear mysterious and opaque, but in the right context, they reveal their secrets. Secret societies have existed since time immemorial, and numerous legends surround them. Novels like "Illuminati" grant us a fascinating glimpse into this hidden world and leave room for endless speculation.In the picturesque city of "Filadelfia," in Italy, a plethora of these mysterious signs is revealed. At the intersections of the rationalist matrix, the magnificent main square rises, surrounded by four venerable churches. Here, amidst this symbol-laden place, signs like the "Eye in the Triangle" and many others can be found, captivating the observer. Palaces, once the seats of secret lodges, conceal further unfathomable symbols that challenge our understanding.Some places on this Earth are permeated by a special order - a fascinating puzzle whose secrets are reserved only for the initiated.

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  • £148.99

    Symphony No. 1 - The Borgias - 2. Nepotism - Otto M. Schwarz

    A sinister legend hangs over the Borgia family, a legend of corruption, abuse of power, orgies, sex and murder. These rumours proliferated especially during the papacy of Alexander VI, a descendant of the family, who was even called the Antichrist. On his death, contemporary witnesses reported that the devil himself prowled around the death chamber and a black dog run along the corridors of the Vatican as his emissary. One might say that this Borgia pope, who ruled together with his family with the greatest brutality, became demonised. Unscrupulousness, poison-toting, incest and other malice are to this day the hallmarks of this pontiff.2. NEPOTISMRodrigo Borgia was elected Pope on 11 August 1492. From the very start, the new pope was prepared to use any means to eliminate his opponents, either through the infamous 'Borgia poison' or by excommunication and execution. His son Cesare, who wanted little to do with the church, was appointed cardinal against his will. Alessandro Farnese, broth of Giulia Farnese, the Pope's mistress, also became a cardinal. Numerous Spaniards were brought into the country and were appointed to ecclesiastical posts. This infuriated the opponents of Alexander VI. The Dominican Girolamo Savonarola from Florence demanded the removal of the Pope. He was tortured and banned. Giuliano della Rovere wanted to convene councils to depose the Pope, which Alexander managed to prevent through artful political manoeuvrings. Through great brutality, brilliant political skill and power games, this pope was able to achieve his goal of leaving for his children a great legacy. Alexander VI constantly changed his allies and always acted unscrupulously to improve his financial situation and expand his sphere of influence. At the centre of the second movement of this work is the medieval hymn Dies Irae (Day of Wrath), which acts as a warning in the background condemning the Pope's actions.

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  • £139.99

    Cyrano - Otto M. Schwarz

    What are the true qualities of a person? Outward beauty or inner values? Or perhaps a balance of the two?This question has probably been posed by everyone at some time or another, and the answer is as challenging as it is subjective. This is also the theme of this work.The poet and soldier Cyrano de Bergerac is known for his big nose and his great intellect. The 17th century novelist harbours feelings for the beautiful Roxane but is sure that this love will never be reciprocated. Roxane herself falls in love with the cadet Christian de Neuvillette, who is certainly handsome but could be described as stupid. Cyrano de Bergerac writes love poems on behalf of Christian to win Roxane's heart. And then there is the Count Guiche, who is married but also wants to make her is mistress.Christian and Roxane eventually marry and the furious Count Guiche sends Christian and Cyrano, who serve together in the Captains of Gascony regiment, to the front and, some months later, on a suicide mission.Shortly before the battle, Roxane confesses to her husband that she no longer loves him so much for his beauty as for his inner values. Christian is dismayed and begs Cyrano to tell Roxane the truth, but he can't bring himself to do so.Christian de Neuvillette dies in battle and Cyrano de Bergerac remains silent about the true provenance of the letters.Only much later does the truth come to light: scarred by the war, Cyrano visits Roxane in the convent where she has been living since Christian's death and confesses his love for her. He ultimately dies in Roxane's arms.

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days

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