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  • £204.99

    Credentium - Jan Van der Roost

    A spectacular dive via an extended chromatic scale immediately submerges us in a charged and somewhat archaic-feeling atmosphere. Trumpets, horns and trombones resound in rhythmic patterns, buttressed by restless motifs in the percussion. A second theme, in the woodwinds, begins much calmer but is quickly pushed aside by that same brass offensive. This introduction is the musical expression of the sometimes tumultuous early history of the town of Peer in Belgium. It closes with a D scale played over two octaves and repeated three times, symbolizing the church steeples that dominate the townscape. Peer has the credentials of a town, and people should know about it.There followsa rhythmic, turbulent passage: in the course of history, Peer has not been spared the ravages of war, arson, occupation, epidemic and other evils. In contrast, a slow, pastoral, lyrical part expresses the periods of peace and prosperity the town has known, as well as the serene geographic setting that still characterizes the place. Various instruments in groups are developed in solo style while the accompaniment displays vast, painterly images of sound. Now and then an exotic intonation is heard: a variety of peoples and cultures have left their mark on the town.This episode of tranquility and peacefulness comes to a sudden end when, via a surprising, almost chaotic transitional passage, we are in effect transported back to our own time. A hopeful, festive march expresses the confidence in the future that the Royal Concert Band of Peer exudes. This confidence is wholly justified: under the direction of conductor Willy Fransen, the 95 members of the concert band have experienced an extended period of good fortune, and the 75 musicians of the youth band - and the 45 little musicians of the mini-band - are involved in thriving operations.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £202.99

    Avalon - Jan Van der Roost

    The magical world of King Arthur, Merlin and Mordred is the setting for Avalon. Unexpected opening figures portray the sudden entrance into another world. A choral-like melody represents the procession of ghosts headed by the mighty magician Merlin. Suddenly, ostinato figures and bi-tonal motifs indicate the attempt of Mordred and his horde to disturb the peace and quiet in the otherwise calm Avalon. Following a powerful statement of King Arthur, we hear a glissando referring back to the opening bars, and... we are back in the normal world. The journey through the underworld has come to an end and the dream is over.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £149.99

    KYO-WA - Satoshi Yagisawa

    KYO-WA is a suite in three movements - Fanfare, Chorale and March, which composer Satoshi Yagisawa wrote individually year on year between 2008 and 2010 for a symphonic wind band. The word KYO in the title can mean resonance, but also togetherness, working together and competition. WA means peace and harmony. These ideas, together with a broad palette of emotions from sadness and fear to hope and rapture, have been woven into a piece that is typical of his new compositional style.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £94.99

    Prayer of St. Gregory

    The sound of this arrangement of the well-known American song Make me a Channel of your Peace is remote, simple and above all exquisitely beautiful. It is a highly accessible piece that will gently capture the hearts of musicians and audience alike. The ideal piece for a restful interlude in your concert programme

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £149.99

    Heaven and Earth - Jan Bosveld

    An Astrological Composition. Astrology is based on the principle that each sort of time has its own quality. In order to determine the quality of a particular moment, an astrologer looks at the position of the planets in the solar sustemat that moment. Each planet has specific types of energies and its location provides unique information for a certain moment on Earth. Thus: its position in the sky tells something about what happens on Earth. In this composition the typesof energies of four planets are musically translated. The four planet were not randomly chosen. There are two pairs, whose influence and energy are opposite. Venus and Mars. Venus represents the feminine principle: harmony, beauty,art, and the ability to make relationships and to keep the peace. Venus connects, and communicates in order to maintain the balance. Mars represent the masculine principle: winning, impulsiveness, enthusiasm, and sexual energy for procreation.He creates war enabling the strongest to triumph. Mars is musically depicted in a stirring march in which enthusiasm characterises the masculine character. Saturn and Jupiter. Saturn represents concentration and withdrawal: the strongnotion of responsibility, seriousness, self-discipline and melancholy. Saturn is the hermit who will conquer his fears and worries in minimal conditions and by self-chastisement. This contemplative character is depicted in the music as if it isalmost standing still, which also reflects the given character of this planet. Jupiter represents growth and expansion: the positive, self-confidence, the good Samaritan, the healer. Jupiter is the philosopher who will make the world a betterplace, sees future possibilities, and searches for eternal values. He is the prophet who sometimes rants and raves his doctrine and proclamations, resulting musically in a whirling and upbeat finale. not looking back at what has been but searchingfor new challenges. "Heaven and Earth" was commisioned by the Music Lending and Information Centre (MUI), a department of the library for the province of Gelderland in Arnhem, The Netherlands.Een astrologische compositie. Astrologie is gebaseerd op het principe dat elke tijd zijn eigen kwaliteit heeft. ""Tijd voor koffie"" of ""het was je tijd nog niet"" als bijvoorbeeld een baan aan je neus voorbij is gegaan. Om de kwaliteit van een moment te lezen kijkt deastroloog naar de stand van de planeten in ons zonnestelsel op dat tijdstip. Elke planeet heeft specifieke energien en de plaats aan de hemel geeft unieke informatie over een bepaald moment op aarde. Oftewel: de stand aan de hemel (Ouranos) verteltiets over wat er op aarde (Gaia) gebeurt. In deze compositie worden de energien van vier planeten muzikaal vertaald. De vier planeten zijn niet lukraak gekozen. Het zijn twee paren, die qua invloed en energie tegenovergesteldzijn. Venus en Mars. Venus vertegenwoordigt het vrouwelijke principe: harmonieus, schoonheid, de kunst, het vermogen om verbindingen aan te gaan en de vrede te bewaren. Venus geeft door en verbindt om de balans te bewaren. Marsvertegenwoordigt het mannelijke principe: winnen, anderen aftroeven, impulsief en enthousiast, seksuele energie voor de voortplanting. Mars creert oorlog om de sterkste te laten zegevieren. Venus staat tot Mars als vrede staat tot oorlog, alsverbinden staat tot verbreken, als harmonie staat tot competitie. Jupiter en Saturnus. Jupiter vertegenwoordigt groei en expansie: het positieve zelfvertrouwen, de weldoener, de genezer. Jupiter is de filosoof die de wereld wilverbeteren, vooruitkijkend en zoekend naar eeuwige waarden, de profeet die soms al te bombastisch zijn leer verkondigt. Saturnus vertegenwoordigt concentratie en inkrimping: het sterke verantwoordelijkheidsbesef, soberheid, zelfdiscipline enmelancholie. Saturnus is de kluizenaar die onder minimale voorwaarden en zelfkastijding zijn angsten wil overwinnen. De harde, serieuze werker die volgens vaste regels stug doorgaat om aan zijn hoge eisen te voldoen. Jupiter staat tot Saturnusals uitbreiding staat tot inkrimping, als zelfvertrouwen staat tot faalangst, als vrijheid staat tot structuur.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £94.99

    Pome Franais (Ballade) - Sjaak van der Reijden

    This ballad will take you to the countryside of France, where a genuine peace prevails. Picturesque villages and magnificent vistas in a musical way to show you this magnificent musical tribute to La France. An attractive sonorous melody is the basis for this composition using a effective instrumentation.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £244.99

    Brabantia Aeterna - Jan Bosveld

    In 2006 Brabant will be celebrating it's 900th anniversary. On May 13th 1106 the count Van Leuven was appointed duke of Brabant. This was the birth of the duchy of Brabant. For centuries this duchy, situated in the heart of the Netherlands, was the primary of the seventeen provinces in the Lowlands. Brabant formed with it's capital cities Brussels, Leuven, Antwerp and 's-Hertogenbosch the focal point for politics, culture and economy. The revolution against Spain (1566-1648) caused a fracture between the North and South. The old duchy was divided into a Dutch and Belgian part. Even though each had their own historical background, the bond forged in the past was partially keptalive. To this day we still have a duke of Brabant. Brabantia Aeterna takes you on a musical journey through 900 years of Brabant history. A fascinating journey portraying war and peace, love and grief, prosperity and adversity, development and deterioration. Listen to how monks chanted, bells tolled and churches were built. Or take the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries with their bustling markets, builders of cities or the bleating of countless sheep across the heather. The plague, tribulations, soldiers and political bickering in the following centuries. Hear how the industrialisation of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries provided prosperity for the region and how to this day the following saying still applies: 'the road to Brabant leads to a warmer world' Brabantia Aeterna was commissioned by the Brabantse Bond van Muziekverenigingen (Brabant Music Society) in honour of its fifth anniversary.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £60.99

    World Anthem

    Celebrating our common bond of peace This remarkable song was developed through an experimental computer program that combined the words and music from 193 national anthems into an astonishingly beautiful World Anthem. Create a multimedia experience at your concert with the optional video featuring a montage of faces from around the world as photographed by some of the world's top photo artists.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £94.99

    Tu Sueo - Ferrer Ferran

    "The key to happiness is having dreams. The key to success is making your dreams come true." Everyone has a dream, and when you reach it, you enter a magical and wonderful world, the home of fantasy and illusions. Tu sueo (Your dream) is an enchanting, dreamy ballad, a moment of shared joy, a moment of peace. May all your dreams come true!

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £110.40

    Elegy to Victims of War - Harrie Janssen

    In these turbulent times when the world faces challenges and conflicts, this piece offers a powerful message of reflection, hope and connection. Beautiful melodies and poignant harmonies as we pay tribute to the victims of war and strive for a future of peace and reconciliation. Experience the power of music to unite and inspire us in this time of uncertainty and change.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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