From the Highlands (Concert Band - Score and Parts) - Putz, Marco
Enjoying his travels in Scotland, Marco Putz decided to compose a piece for wind band, based on Scottish folk songs. While in the airport at Glasgow, shortly before boarding his plane, Putz bought a collection of folk melodies from all over Scotland that had been arranged for flute. At first he harmonised several melodies in his own style, then he began to alter the resulting pieces (especially rhythmically). Eventually Putz added passages here and there and orchestrated the piece for wind band. Putz's resulting composition is an educational work that is both enjoyable and appealing to players of all ages, although it was written with young bands in mind. From the Highlands is part of a project to increase the repertoire available to youth and school bands, both in quantity and quality; an important personal and musical goal for the composer. This is Putz's third contribution of this sort to be added to the De Haske catalogue, following his successful Arrows of Lightning and Four Sketches for Band.Duration: 7:45
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
The Best of Charles Aznavour (Concert Band - Score and Parts) - Kernen, Roland
Charles Aznavour, the son of Armenian immigrants, was born in 1924, in Paris. He finally launched his singing career in France with great effort; despite his lack of star looks and less than remarkable voice. However, he had two things going for him: powerful on-stage charisma and great willpower. It took him about twenty years to reach the top but when he did, his determination certainly paid off. He became a star singer/songwriter in France and his chansons were embraced throughout the rest of the world as well. The typical French atmosphere that pervades his music can be clearly experienced in this medley for concert band.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Nemu-Susato (Concert Band - Score and Parts) - Van der Roost, Jan
Commissioned by the Japan Band Clinic Committee of Yamaha for the Nemu Band Directors Clinic in Nemu no Sato, May 18-20, 1997. The surprising title of this work is an indication of its content. By combining the somewhat similar names 'Nemu no Sato' and 'Susato' into a new word, Jan Van der Roost has produced a significant and interesting subject. The Yamaha corporation has extensive facilities in Nemu no Sato, Japan, including a concert hall, recording studios, hotel and so on. Concerts, workshops, clinics and other events are held here, including the annual Nemu Band Directors Clinic, which consists of numerous musical events. Jan Van der Roost served as guest conductor and speaker in 1994. He was invited again for the 1997 clinic, this time with a composition assignment. The difficulty level of his piece was to be Grade 2 - 3 bands. With this in mind, Mr. Van der Roost strove to create a renaissance-like sound. Simultaneously he wished to create a tribute to Tielman Susato who, like Jan Van der Roost, lived and worked in Antwerp in the 16th century. The first performance of Nemu-Susato was conducted by the composer, performed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Band, and took place during the Nemu Band Directors Clinic on May 19, 1997.Duration: 6.00
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Santa And The Blizzard
Off Santa goes on his yearly journey. However, this year he encounters some rough winter weather along the way. Not to fear, Santa navigates the storm and he and his reindeer are on course again. Accessory percussion and timpani help create the blizzard effect. Solid scoring makes this very playable, and easy to put together under most performance situations. This is a humorous and entertaining novelty selection that is sure to be the hit of your next holiday concert. You'll want to program this every year!
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Where Eagles Sing (Concert Band - Score and Parts) - Lovatt-Cooper, Paul
The inspiration for this piece came when the composer visited Florida and the Bird Sanctuary in Walt Disney World's Animal Kingdom. He was in the audience to see the rare bird show where he witnessed some fabulous looking and endangered birds that were trained to perform different tricks that wowed the audience. The highlight for him was the conclusion of the show where the most awesome sight greeted us as an American Bald Eagle soared over the audience. That particular breed of Eagle has been a very rare bird of late. With so few in numbers, it nearly became a member of the sad group of animals that are extinct.The host of the show took great delight in informing the audience that the fantastic creature is now officially safe and no longer classed as endangered. This made a great impact on the composer as the Eagle is an amazing bird, huge in size and power and yet so graceful in flight. This piece is everything associated with the Eagle; bold, powerful and graceful and now free to soar and sing in the American homelands.Where Eagles Sing has been hugely successful as a curtain-raiser (or finale) with brass bands around the world and it is hoped that this version for concert band will be just as popular.Duration: 4.00
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Mosaici Bizantini - Franco Cesarini
To mark the 30th anniversary of Mosaici Bizantini Franco Cesarini decided to publish this revised version. He added a few instruments to the instrumentation and completely revised the notation. The work is now available in large-sized full score and exclusively from the composer's publishing house.For this grand work, Franco Cesarini was inspired by three byzantine mosaics, which can be seen in churches in Venice and Palermo. He took the musical motives from Gregorian chants.The mosaics concerned depict the following extracts from "The Gospel according to St. Matthew":1. The Nativity2. The Temple of Jerusalem3. Angel of the ResurrectionThis new, revised version of this masterpiece will delight both the orchestra and the audience!
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Cowboy Dust - Gerald Oswald
In this work, the composer depicts an adventurous day in the life of a cowboy. As he rides his horse across the plains, clouds of 'cowboy dust' whirl up behind him. He rides over the prairie, faces dangerous snakes, gallops across dusty fields and stumbles upon an ambush of bandits. In the gunfight that follows, he is the victor, and he rides along the prairie a silent hero, on his way to another adventure.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Santa And The Blizzard - Rob Romeyn
Off Santa goes on his yearly journey. However, this year he encounters some rough winter weather along the way. Not to fear, Santa navigates the storm and he and his reindeer are on course again. Accessory percussion and timpani help create the blizzard effect. Solid scoring makes this very playable, and easy to put together under most performance situations. This is a humorous and entertaining novelty selection that is sure to be the hit of your next holiday concert. You'll want to program this every year!
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Heaven and Earth - Jan Bosveld
An Astrological Composition. Astrology is based on the principle that each sort of time has its own quality. In order to determine the quality of a particular moment, an astrologer looks at the position of the planets in the solar sustemat that moment. Each planet has specific types of energies and its location provides unique information for a certain moment on Earth. Thus: its position in the sky tells something about what happens on Earth. In this composition the typesof energies of four planets are musically translated. The four planet were not randomly chosen. There are two pairs, whose influence and energy are opposite. Venus and Mars. Venus represents the feminine principle: harmony, beauty,art, and the ability to make relationships and to keep the peace. Venus connects, and communicates in order to maintain the balance. Mars represent the masculine principle: winning, impulsiveness, enthusiasm, and sexual energy for procreation.He creates war enabling the strongest to triumph. Mars is musically depicted in a stirring march in which enthusiasm characterises the masculine character. Saturn and Jupiter. Saturn represents concentration and withdrawal: the strongnotion of responsibility, seriousness, self-discipline and melancholy. Saturn is the hermit who will conquer his fears and worries in minimal conditions and by self-chastisement. This contemplative character is depicted in the music as if it isalmost standing still, which also reflects the given character of this planet. Jupiter represents growth and expansion: the positive, self-confidence, the good Samaritan, the healer. Jupiter is the philosopher who will make the world a betterplace, sees future possibilities, and searches for eternal values. He is the prophet who sometimes rants and raves his doctrine and proclamations, resulting musically in a whirling and upbeat finale. not looking back at what has been but searchingfor new challenges. "Heaven and Earth" was commisioned by the Music Lending and Information Centre (MUI), a department of the library for the province of Gelderland in Arnhem, The Netherlands.Een astrologische compositie. Astrologie is gebaseerd op het principe dat elke tijd zijn eigen kwaliteit heeft. ""Tijd voor koffie"" of ""het was je tijd nog niet"" als bijvoorbeeld een baan aan je neus voorbij is gegaan. Om de kwaliteit van een moment te lezen kijkt deastroloog naar de stand van de planeten in ons zonnestelsel op dat tijdstip. Elke planeet heeft specifieke energien en de plaats aan de hemel geeft unieke informatie over een bepaald moment op aarde. Oftewel: de stand aan de hemel (Ouranos) verteltiets over wat er op aarde (Gaia) gebeurt. In deze compositie worden de energien van vier planeten muzikaal vertaald. De vier planeten zijn niet lukraak gekozen. Het zijn twee paren, die qua invloed en energie tegenovergesteldzijn. Venus en Mars. Venus vertegenwoordigt het vrouwelijke principe: harmonieus, schoonheid, de kunst, het vermogen om verbindingen aan te gaan en de vrede te bewaren. Venus geeft door en verbindt om de balans te bewaren. Marsvertegenwoordigt het mannelijke principe: winnen, anderen aftroeven, impulsief en enthousiast, seksuele energie voor de voortplanting. Mars creert oorlog om de sterkste te laten zegevieren. Venus staat tot Mars als vrede staat tot oorlog, alsverbinden staat tot verbreken, als harmonie staat tot competitie. Jupiter en Saturnus. Jupiter vertegenwoordigt groei en expansie: het positieve zelfvertrouwen, de weldoener, de genezer. Jupiter is de filosoof die de wereld wilverbeteren, vooruitkijkend en zoekend naar eeuwige waarden, de profeet die soms al te bombastisch zijn leer verkondigt. Saturnus vertegenwoordigt concentratie en inkrimping: het sterke verantwoordelijkheidsbesef, soberheid, zelfdiscipline enmelancholie. Saturnus is de kluizenaar die onder minimale voorwaarden en zelfkastijding zijn angsten wil overwinnen. De harde, serieuze werker die volgens vaste regels stug doorgaat om aan zijn hoge eisen te voldoen. Jupiter staat tot Saturnusals uitbreiding staat tot inkrimping, als zelfvertrouwen staat tot faalangst, als vrijheid staat tot structuur.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Nemu-Susato - Jan Van der Roost
Commissioned by the Japan Band Clinic Committee of Yamaha for the Nemu Band Directors Clinic in Nemu no Sato, May 18-20, 1997.The surprising title of this work is an indication of its content. By combining the somewhat similar names 'Nemu no Sato' and 'Susato' into a new word, Jan Van der Roost has produced a significant and interesting subject. The Yamaha corporation has extensive facilities in Nemu no Sato, Japan, including a concert hall, recording studios, hotel and so on. Concerts, workshops, clinics and other events are held here, including the annual Nemu Band Directors Clinic, which consists of numerous musical events. Jan Van der Roost served as guest conductor andspeaker in 1994. He was invited again for the 1997 clinic, this time with a composition assignment. The difficulty level of his new piece was to be Grade 2 - 3 bands. With this in mind, Mr. Van der Roost strove to create a renaissance-like sound. Simultaneously he wished to create a tribute to Tielman Susato who, like Jan Van der Roost, lived and worked in Antwerp in the 16th century. The first performance of Nemu-Susato was conducted by the composer, performed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Band, and took place during the Nemu Band Directors Clinic on May 19, 1997.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days