Heaven and Earth - Jan Bosveld
An Astrological Composition. Astrology is based on the principle that each sort of time has its own quality. In order to determine the quality of a particular moment, an astrologer looks at the position of the planets in the solar sustemat that moment. Each planet has specific types of energies and its location provides unique information for a certain moment on Earth. Thus: its position in the sky tells something about what happens on Earth. In this composition the typesof energies of four planets are musically translated. The four planet were not randomly chosen. There are two pairs, whose influence and energy are opposite. Venus and Mars. Venus represents the feminine principle: harmony, beauty,art, and the ability to make relationships and to keep the peace. Venus connects, and communicates in order to maintain the balance. Mars represent the masculine principle: winning, impulsiveness, enthusiasm, and sexual energy for procreation.He creates war enabling the strongest to triumph. Mars is musically depicted in a stirring march in which enthusiasm characterises the masculine character. Saturn and Jupiter. Saturn represents concentration and withdrawal: the strongnotion of responsibility, seriousness, self-discipline and melancholy. Saturn is the hermit who will conquer his fears and worries in minimal conditions and by self-chastisement. This contemplative character is depicted in the music as if it isalmost standing still, which also reflects the given character of this planet. Jupiter represents growth and expansion: the positive, self-confidence, the good Samaritan, the healer. Jupiter is the philosopher who will make the world a betterplace, sees future possibilities, and searches for eternal values. He is the prophet who sometimes rants and raves his doctrine and proclamations, resulting musically in a whirling and upbeat finale. not looking back at what has been but searchingfor new challenges. "Heaven and Earth" was commisioned by the Music Lending and Information Centre (MUI), a department of the library for the province of Gelderland in Arnhem, The Netherlands.Een astrologische compositie. Astrologie is gebaseerd op het principe dat elke tijd zijn eigen kwaliteit heeft. ""Tijd voor koffie"" of ""het was je tijd nog niet"" als bijvoorbeeld een baan aan je neus voorbij is gegaan. Om de kwaliteit van een moment te lezen kijkt deastroloog naar de stand van de planeten in ons zonnestelsel op dat tijdstip. Elke planeet heeft specifieke energien en de plaats aan de hemel geeft unieke informatie over een bepaald moment op aarde. Oftewel: de stand aan de hemel (Ouranos) verteltiets over wat er op aarde (Gaia) gebeurt. In deze compositie worden de energien van vier planeten muzikaal vertaald. De vier planeten zijn niet lukraak gekozen. Het zijn twee paren, die qua invloed en energie tegenovergesteldzijn. Venus en Mars. Venus vertegenwoordigt het vrouwelijke principe: harmonieus, schoonheid, de kunst, het vermogen om verbindingen aan te gaan en de vrede te bewaren. Venus geeft door en verbindt om de balans te bewaren. Marsvertegenwoordigt het mannelijke principe: winnen, anderen aftroeven, impulsief en enthousiast, seksuele energie voor de voortplanting. Mars creert oorlog om de sterkste te laten zegevieren. Venus staat tot Mars als vrede staat tot oorlog, alsverbinden staat tot verbreken, als harmonie staat tot competitie. Jupiter en Saturnus. Jupiter vertegenwoordigt groei en expansie: het positieve zelfvertrouwen, de weldoener, de genezer. Jupiter is de filosoof die de wereld wilverbeteren, vooruitkijkend en zoekend naar eeuwige waarden, de profeet die soms al te bombastisch zijn leer verkondigt. Saturnus vertegenwoordigt concentratie en inkrimping: het sterke verantwoordelijkheidsbesef, soberheid, zelfdiscipline enmelancholie. Saturnus is de kluizenaar die onder minimale voorwaarden en zelfkastijding zijn angsten wil overwinnen. De harde, serieuze werker die volgens vaste regels stug doorgaat om aan zijn hoge eisen te voldoen. Jupiter staat tot Saturnusals uitbreiding staat tot inkrimping, als zelfvertrouwen staat tot faalangst, als vrijheid staat tot structuur.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
The Wind in the Willows (Concert Band - Score and Parts) - De Meij, Johan
A book for those who keep the spirit of youth alive in them; of life, sunshine, running water, woodlands, dusty roads, winter firesides, said author Kenneth Grahame (1859-1932) about his children's book The Wind in the Willows. Initially, he wrote the stories about Ratty, Mole, Badger and Toad to read to his visually handicapped son Alistair, but after the publication in book form in 1908, it became a worldwide success. It was later also turned into a film and a television series. What appealed ti the composer most is the friendly, very cosy atmosphere that Grahame has managed to create with his optimistic narrative style full of high spirits, an atmosphere that reminds thecomposer of his own carefree youth. It was therefore a great pleasure to set this book to music! The four movements successively describe: I) The River- The river, which flows through the habitat of the animals like a lifeline, regularly is the scene of pleasant boat trips and picnics. The animals lead their untroubled lives here. The four-tone main motif [A-C-D-C] is extensively presented by the brass section, and returns in the following movements as a countermelody. II) Ratty and Mole -The bright, energetic Rat and the melancholy doubter Mole are inseparable friends and have many adventures. Their opposite characters are illustrated by separate musical themes. III) Mister Toad - The wilful, haughty Mister Toad is indeed a unique case: time after time, he runs into tricky situations, and with his indomitable passion for fast, preferably stolen, cars he causes quite a lot of damage... IV) The Return of Ulysses - After Toad Hall, the majestic residence of Mister Toad, is recovered from the weasels and stoats of the Wild Wood, who had captured the estate in a cowardly way, our friends get ready for a banquet. They celebrate the victory with a triumphant parade, and so both the book and the music conclude with a happy ending. Duration: 17.00
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Guardian Angels - Kevin Houben
Guardian Angels gives a musical expression to the legend of Reverend Louis Henri Bhler referring to the use of Psalm 34.North-west Veluwe and in particular Oldebroek (The Netherlands) has a very rich religious tradition which is demonstrated by its monumental churches. They tell the story of a stirring history in which Reverend Bhler played a crucial role. Inspired by his arrival as a pastor in 1870 in the neighbouring Oosterwolde, two big religious communities came into existence with their characteristic churches but this rivalry also resulted in great social unrest.This composition reflects on this striking personality and in particular on the story of the Angel Guard.'One evening Reverend Bhler has given a sermon in Oldebroek and he walks over the Church path through the pastures to Oosterwolde. On this dark and stormy evening Bhler's opponents are waiting for the pastor in ambush. They want to drown him in a watercourse near the Church path but abandon their plan because Bhler is accompanied by two men. The next day it comes to an encounter between Bhler and his opponents. They repent their, fortunately unexecuted , plan. Bhler firmly believes that on the previous night he walked alone over the Church path, and was not accompanied by two men. It was concluded that it must have been the angels who had protected Bhler.'Psalm 34 is central to this composition and this because of its powerful melody but also because the lyrics of verse 4 of the rhymed version fit in well with the special legend of Reverend Bhler:The Lord's angel gathered round himAn invincible heavenly guard,Who tries God's will, around himSo he's well guard(ed)A second melodious and harmonic cell is a musical transformation of the name 'Bhler'. This cell is varied in major and minor third chords and sometimes used as the main idea or apotheosis, but also serves as an accompanying cell or as a bridge between other melodic and rhythmic constructions.The composition was made possible by contributions of: Mr Evert van de Poll, owner of the Van Gelder Groep, Het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Gelderland en Het Feteris Oosterbaan Fonds.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
The Wind in the Willows - Johan de Meij
"A book for those who keep the spirit of youth alive in them; of life, sunshine, running water, woodlands, dusty roads, winter firesides" said author Kenneth Grahame (1859-1932) about his children's book The Wind in the Willows. Initially, he wrote the stories about Ratty, Mole, Badger and Toad to read to his visually handicapped son Alistair, but after the publication in book form in 1908, it became a worldwide success. It was later also turned into a film and a television series. What appealed ti the composer most is the friendly, very cosy atmosphere that Grahame has managed to create with his optimistic narrative style full of high spirits, an atmosphere that reminds thecomposer of his own carefree youth. It was therefore a great pleasure to set this book to music! The four movements successively describe:I) The River- The river, which flows through the habitat of the animals like a lifeline, regularly is the scene of pleasant boat trips and picnics. The animals lead their untroubled lives here. The four-tone main motif [A-C-D-C] is extensively presented by the brass section, and returns in the following movements as a countermelody. II) Ratty and Mole -The bright, energetic Rat and the melancholy doubter Mole are inseparable friends and have many adventures. Their opposite characters are illustrated by separate musical themes. III) Mister Toad - The wilful, haughty Mister Toad is indeed a unique case: time after time, he runs into tricky situations, and with his indomitable passion for fast - preferably stolen - cars he causes quite a lot of damage...IV) The Return of UlyssesAfter Toad Hall, the majestic residence of Mister Toad, is recovered from the weasels and stoats of the Wild Wood, who had captured the estate in a cowardly way, our friends get ready for a banquet. They celebrate the victory with a triumphant parade, and so both the book and the music conclude with a happy ending.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Van Gogh (Concert Band - Score and Parts) - Doss, Thomas
This composition is not a work inspired by the life of the famous painter, but rather an attempt at a pictorial immersion into his world. In addition to Van Gogh's character and tragic life, the technique he employed to create his works, the bright colours of his paintings and his view of nature served as inspiration for this musical work. Point by point, stroke by stroke, Van Gogh brought his own world to life on canvas.On the life of Van Gogh: The Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh was one of the most important pioneers of Modernism, despite being relatively unknown during his own lifetime. As an artist, he chose a life of poverty and seclusion. From today's perspective, his important woks were created from 1880 onwards, when he had already more or less succumbed to madness. While his earlier works could still be classed as contemporary, he matured into a pioneer of Expressionism with his later work indicating an increasing self-awareness. He was just 37 years old when he died but he created over 750 paintings and 1600 drawings in the last ten years of his life.The structure of the work:Start: Brushes and Paints: Van Gogh retired to Arles in southern France where he found his artistic home. The colours and flowering gardens of this landscape awakened in him an unbelievably great creative power.A: A Picture Comes into Being: Van Gogh's psychotic episodes and bouts of depression did not stop him from painting wonderful pictures. Hardly anyone recognised his genius during his lifetime, on the contrary, he often felt misunderstood.C: Paris - Arles: In Paris (from 1886), Van Gogh became inspired by the French art scene. His works found few takers, however. He met and befriended the painter Paul Gauguin, but the lack of success made Van Gogh short tempered, and he began to drink. Eventually, he moved from Paris to Arles in the south of France to establish an artists' collective with Gaugin. Within a few weeks, the two got into such a violent argument that Van Gogh attacked his friend with a knife. The friends parted ways and afterwards Van Gogh cut off his right ear. In 1889 he voluntarily admitted himself into a mental hospital at St. Remy, suffering from hallucinations and fearing that he would lose his mind.G: The Starry Night One of his most famous paintings, created in 1898.H: Death and Brotherly Love Vincent van Gogh accepted an invitation to Auver-sur-Oise in 1890. This was one of his most intensive creative periods. He also went there for treatment, but his mental state hardly improved. After an extended walk, he injured himself fatally with a pistol under mysterious circumstances. Not even to his beloved brother Theo, who had supported him all his life, did he reveal on his deathbed how the accident had occurred.J: Art Market Today, Van Gogh's paintings are among the most expensive paintings on the art market. How ironic, given that he could hardly sell a painting during his lifetime. "I put my heart and soul into my work and lost my mind in the process." (Vincent van Gogh)Duration: 13.15
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Alexander VI (Movement I from Symphony No.1, The Borgias) (Concert Band - Score and Parts) - Schwarz, Otto M.
The Borgia family is the subject of a so-called black legend, a pejorative term that has been used since the Middle Ages to refer to Spain and Spaniards. The Borgias' black legend is one of corruption, abuse of power, orgies, sex and murder. These rumours spread especially during the reign of Pope Alexander VI, a member of the family. Alexander was even referred to as the Antichrist. According to eyewitnesses, when he died Satan prowled the death chamber and a black dog, an envoy of the Devil, ran up and down the aisles of the Vatican. The brutal rule of Pope Alexander and his family led to a kind of demonization of the Borgia family. But it is precisely the lack of scruples, the brewing of poisons, the incest and various cruelties that continue to hold a certain fascination for us.Alexander VI: Rodrigo Borgia was born in 1431 near Valencia. He studied law in Bologna and, through his uncle Pope Calixtus III, he rose through the church hierarchy. As vice-chancellor of the Holy Roman Catholic church, he became one of the richest men in Europe. As a cardinal he fathered four children who he later legitimised when he became pope. His election to the papacy was funded by the sale of offices, extortion and bribes of all kinds. Through an alliance with Ascanio Sforza he was elected pope on August 11 1492 and named himself from then on Alexander VI, an allusion to Alexander the Great.Duration: 9.30
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Odysseia (Concert Band - Score and Parts) - Aulio, Maxime
Washed up on the Phaeacian shore after a shipwreck, Odysseus is introduced to King Alcinous. As he sits in the palace, he tells the Phaeacians of his wanderings since leaving Troy. Odysseus and his men fi rst landed on the island of the Cicones where they sacked the city of Ismarus. From there, great storms swept them to the land of the hospitable Lotus Eaters. Then they sailed to the land of the Cyclopes. Odysseus and twelve of his men entered the cave of Polyphemus. After the single-eyed giant made handfuls of his men into meals, Odysseus fi nally defeated him. He got him drunk and once he had fallen asleep, he and his men stabbed a glowing spike into the Cyclop's single eye, completely blinding him. They escaped by clinging to the bellies of some sheep. Once aboard, Odysseus taunted the Cyclop by revealing him his true identity. Enraged, Polyphemus hurled rocks at the ship, trying to sink it. After leaving the Cyclopes' island, they arrived at the home of Aeolus, ruler of the winds. Aeolus off ered Odysseus a bag trapping all the strong winds within except one - the one which would take him straight back to Ithaca. As the ship came within sight of Ithaca, the crewmen, curious about the bag, decided to open it. The winds escaped and stirred up a storm. Odysseus and his crew came to the land of the cannibalistic Laestrygonians, who sank all but one of the ships. The survivors went next to Aeaea, the island of the witch-goddess Circe. Odysseus sent out a scouting party but Circe turned them into pigs. With the help of an antidote the god Hermes had given him, Odysseus managed to overpower the goddess and forced her to change his men back to human form. When it was time for Odysseus to leave, Circe told him to sail to the realm of the dead to speak with the spirit of the seer Tiresias. One day's sailing took them to the land of the Cimmerians. There, he performed sacrifi ces to attract the souls of the dead. Tiresias told him what would happen to him next. He then got to talk with his mother, Anticleia, and met the spirits of Agamemnon, Achilles, Patroclus, Antilochus, Ajax and others. He then saw the souls of the damned Tityos, Tantalus, and Sisyphus. Odysseus soon found himself mobbed by souls. He became frightened, ran back to his ship, and sailed away. While back at Aeaea, Circe told him about the dangers he would have to face on his way back home. She advised him to avoid hearing the song of the Sirens; but if he really felt he had to hear, then he should be tied to the mast of the ship, which he did. Odysseus then successfully steered his crew past Charybdis (a violent whirlpool) and Scylla (a multiple-headed monster), but Scylla managed to devour six of his men. Finally, Odysseus and his surviving crew approached the island where the Sun god kept sacred cattle. Odysseus wanted to sail past, but the crewmen persuaded him to let them rest there. Odysseus passed Circe's counsel on to his men. Once he had fallen asleep, his men impiously killed and ate some of the cattle. When the Sun god found out, he asked Zeus to punish them. Shortly after they set sail from the island, Zeus destroyed the ship and all the men died except for Odysseus. After ten days, Odysseus was washed up on the island of the nymph Calypso.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
O Helga natt - Adolphe Charles Adam
O Holy Night is a very well-known Christmas carol. The origin of the carol is French beginning with the words: "Minuit! Chrtiens, c'est l'heure solennelle". It is about the birth of Jesus and was written in 1843 by a wine merchant and poet by the name of Placide Cappeau (1808 77). He turned to the composer Adolphe Adam (1803 56) and asked him to write a suitable melody. The result was brilliant and the carol was premiered in Cappeau's home town Roquemaure in 1847 by the opera singer Emily Laurey. Based on Cappeau's French text, the English version was written in 1855 by an American Unitarian (Calvinist) minister by the name of John Sullivan Dwight (1813 93). Adolphe Adamwas the son of the pianist and composer Louis Adam (1758 1848), who did not want his son to follow in his foot-steps as a musician. However, Adolphe wanted otherwise, and already at the age of 17 he was accepted to study at the music conservatoire in Paris. He was a student under Franois Adrien Bo eldieu and composed several comical operas that became successful. After the July-revolution 1830 Adam moved to London. He worked for a couple of years before returning to Paris, where he founded a new opera house in 1847, the Th tre national. After the revolution in 1848 it had to close and Adam was ruined, why he had to go back to composing. In 1856 he concluded the ballet Le Corsaire, which together with the ballet Giselle are his most performed works today.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Odysseia - Maxime Aulio
Washed up on the Phaeacian shore after a shipwreck, Odysseus is introduced to King Alcinous. As he sits in the palace, he tells the Phaeacians of his wanderings since leaving Troy. Odysseus and his men fi rst landed on the island of the Cicones wherethey sacked the city of Ismarus. From there, great storms swept them to the land of the hospitable Lotus Eaters. Then they sailed to the land of the Cyclopes. Odysseus and twelve of his men entered the cave of Polyphemus. After the single-eyed giantmade handfuls of his men into meals, Odysseus fi nally defeated him. He got him drunk and once he had fallen asleep, he and his men stabbed a glowing spike into the Cyclop's single eye, completely blinding him. They escaped by clinging to the belliesof some sheep. Once aboard, Odysseus taunted the Cyclop by revealing him his true identity. Enraged, Polyphemus hurled rocks at the ship, trying to sink it. After leaving the Cyclopes' island, they arrived at the home of Aeolus, ruler of the winds.Aeolus off ered Odysseus a bag trapping all the strong winds within except one - the one which would take him straight back to Ithaca. As the ship came within sight of Ithaca, the crewmen, curious about the bag, decided to open it. The winds escapedand stirred up a storm. Odysseus and his crew came to the land of the cannibalistic Laestrygonians, who sank all but one of the ships. The survivors went next to Aeaea, the island of the witch-goddess Circe. Odysseus sent out a scouting party butCirce turned them into pigs. With the help of an antidote the god Hermes had given him, Odysseus managed to overpower the goddess and forced her to change his men back to human form. When it was time for Odysseus to leave, Circe told him to sail tothe realm of the dead to speak with the spirit of the seer Tiresias. One day's sailing took them to the land of the Cimmerians. There, he performed sacrifi ces to attract the souls of the dead. Tiresias told him what would happen to him next. He thengot to talk with his mother, Anticleia, and met the spirits of Agamemnon, Achilles, Patroclus, Antilochus, Ajax and others. He then saw the souls of the damned Tityos, Tantalus, and Sisyphus. Odysseus soon found himself mobbed by souls. He becamefrightened, ran back to his ship, and sailed away. While back at Aeaea, Circe told him about the dangers he would have to face on his way back home. She advised him to avoid hearing the song of the Sirens; but if he really felt he had to hear, thenhe should be tied to the mast of the ship, which he did. Odysseus then successfully steered his crew past Charybdis (a violent whirlpool) and Scylla (a multiple-headed monster), but Scylla managed to devour six of his men. Finally, Odysseus and hissurviving crew approached the island where the Sun god kept sacred cattle. Odysseus wanted to sail past, but the crewmen persuaded him to let them rest there. Odysseus passed Circe's counsel on to his men. Once he had fallen asleep, his men impiouslykilled and ate some of the cattle. When the Sun god found out, he asked Zeus to punish them. Shortly after they set sail from the island, Zeus destroyed the ship and all the men died except for Odysseus. After ten days, Odysseus was washed up on theisland of the nymph Calypso.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
3 Letzte Motetten (Concert Band - Score and Parts) - Bruckner, Anton - Doss, Thomas
Anton Bruckner (b. 4.9.1824, Ansfelden, d. 11.10.1896, Vienna) didn't have it easy. Throughout his life, the Austrian composer was plagued by self-doubt. Anton Bruckner came from a simple, rural background. After the death of his father, he was accepted as a choirboy at the monastery of Sankt Florian in 1837. After several years as a school assistant and his own organ and piano studies, he first worked as organist in St. Florian, then from 1855 as cathedral organist in Linz. Introduced to music theory and instrumentation by Simon Sechter and Otto Kitzler, he discovered Richard Wagner as an artistic role model, whom he admired throughout his life and also visited several times in Bayreuth. In 1868 Anton Bruckner became professor of basso continuo, counterpoint and organ at the Vienna Conservatory; ten years later court organist; and in 1891 finally honorary doctor of the University of Vienna. He was considered an important organ virtuoso of his era, but had to wait a long time for recognition as a composer. It was not until Symphony No.7 in E major, composed between 1881 and 1883, with the famous Adagio written under the effects of Wagner's death, that he achieved the recognition he had hoped for, even if he was reluctant to accept it given his inclination towards scepticism and self-criticism. Anton Bruckner was a loner who did not want to follow a particular school or doctrine. He composed numerous sacred vocal works, such as his three masses, the Missa Solemnis in B flat minor (1854), the Te Deum (1881-84) and numerous motets. As a symphonic composer, he wrote a total of nine symphonies and many symphonic studies from 1863 onwards, tending to revise completed versions several times over. Bruckner's orchestral works were long considered unplayable, but in fact were merely exceptionally bold for the tonal language of their time, uniting traditions from Beethoven through Wagner to folk music, on the threshold between late Romanticism and Modernism. Anton Bruckner composed about 40 motets during his lifetime, the earliest a setting of Pange lingua around 1835, and the last, Vexilla regis, in 1892. Thomas Doss has compiled some of these motets in this volume for symphonic wind orchestra. These motets show many characteristics of personal expression, especially Bruckner's colourful harmony in the earlier works, which is in places aligned with Franz Schubert (changes between major and minor; and movements in thirds). Later works are characterised by many components which, in addition to the expanded stature of the movements, include above all a sense of the instrumentation as an outward phenomenon and the harmony as a compositional feature that works more internally. Some aspects of Bruckner's work are the result of his long period of study, which familiarised him not only with the tradition of his craft, but also gave him insights into the "modernity" of his time in such composers as Wagner, Liszt and Berlioz. From this developed his personal standpoint, which always pursues the connection between the old and the new.Duration: 14.00
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days