Zion Hears the Watchmen's Voices (Concert Band with Optional Choir - Score and Parts) - Bach, Johann Sebastian - Noble & Rutter
Zion Hears the Watchmen Singing (Zion hrt die Wchter singen) is the fourth of seven movements of Bach's cantata Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme ('Awake, calls the voice to us'), BWV 140, also known as Sleepers Wake. It is regarded as one of his most mature and popular sacred cantatas. It is written in the style of a chorale prelude, with the phrases of the chorale, sung as a cantus firmus by the tenors (or by the tenor soloist), entering intermittently against a famously lyrical melody played in this arrangement in unison principally by the woodwinds. Bach composed the chorale cantata in Leipzig for the 27th Sunday after Trinity and first performed it on 25 November 1731. This arrangement represents one in the Series of Band Arrangements compatible with David Willcocks' Carols for Choirs.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Walzerzauber (Concert Band - Score and Parts) - Watz, Franz
The genre operetta (literally meaning 'small opera') originated halfway through the 19th century, as an antidote to the ever-lengthening opra comique, which by that time contained more and more tragic intrigues as well. In this charming work, three waltz melodies from different operettas come together. First, we hear 'Lippen schweigen' from Die lustige Witwe (The Merry Widow) by Franz Lhar (1870-1948). Then follows 'Ja, das alles auf Ehr' from Der Zigeunerbaron (The Gypsy Baron) by Johann Strauss the younger (1825-1899), after which 'Tanzen mchte ich' from Die Czardasfrstin by Emmerich Klmn (1882-1953) closes the medley in a cheerful way. Franz Watz has skilfully connected the waltzes to become a magical whole.Duration: 4:30
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
The Abduction from the Seraglio (Concert Band - Score and Parts) - Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Takahashi, Tohru
"Wonderful! But, aren't there too many notes?" asked the emperor Joseph II. "No, all notes are necessary. This is new music," replied Mozart. This is a famous anecdote about the premiere of the opera Die Entfuhrung aus dem Serail (The Abduction from the Seraglio), which took place on July 16, 1782 at the Burgtheater Wien (Vienna). It illustrates Mozart's ambition and self-confidence. Throughout Mozart's lifetime, Die Entfhrung aus dem Serail was his most successful work outside of Vienna. It is still a much-performed opera. Tohru Takahashi has made a lively arrangement of the overture in its original key, C major. It will sound even better if your band has Turkish percussion instruments at its disposal.Duration: 6.15
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Celtic Concertino Wind Band Set (Score & Parts) - Fraser, Bruce
This little concerto for clarinet was written for Peter Holligan , a friend of its composer, and the Fife Youth Concert Band (Scotland). The work was based on traditional Celtic music, and consists of three movements. 1. Reel - a fast dance ending in an atmospheric but virtuoso cadenza. 2. Lament - a slow and melancholy song hinting at the sound of bagpipes. 3. A fast and virtuoso dance in 6/8 time with Irish influence. The work is a wonderful audience-pleaser and an absolute 'must' for all clarinet-players. The band too is called upon and by all means does have its part to play in the piece. Band grade 4, soloist grade 5. Dit Concertino voor klarinet werd geschreven voor Peter Holligan , een vriend van de componist, en de Fife Youth Concert Band (Schotland). Het werk is gebaseerd op de traditionele Keltische muziek, en bestaat uit drie delen. 1. Reel - een snelle dans die eindigt in een sfeervolle, maar virtuoze cadens. 2. Lament - een trage en melancholische melodie die het geluid van doedelzakken verbeeldt.3. Een snelle en virtuoze dans in 6 / 8 maatsoort met Ierse invloeden. Voor het publiek een heerlijk werk om naar te luisteren en een uitdaging voor de solist(e)! Het orkest ondersteunt deze om het tot een kleurrijk geheel te maken! Orkest graad 4, solo graad 5. 10:00
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
J'EU'FUL Wind Band Set (Score & Parts)
Op 25 maart 1957 vond de ondertekening van het verdrag van Rome plaats. Dit betekende het begin van de Europese Unie (EU). De Europese 'familie' is in 50 jaar tijd gegroeid van 6 tot 27 landen, ieder met hun eigen cultuur, taal en tradities. Vrijheid, democratie, gelijkheid, de rechtsstaat en respect voor de mensenrechten zijn de gemeenschappelijke waarden die worden nagestreefd. Europese Hymne: In 1972 koos de Raad van Europa het thema van 'Ode aan de vreugde' van Ludwig van Beethoven (uit de Negende Symphonie) als het Europese Volkslied. De tekst van het lied, 'Ode aan de vreugde' (An die Freude. Ode to Joy) is van de hand van Friedrich Schiller. Net als Schiller vond Beethoven dat alle mensen gelijk waren (broeders). Ter gelegenheid van deze bijzondere verjaardag componeerde Dagmar Kildevann de vrolijke mars J'eu'ful. De titel is een woordspeling op de tekst van het Europese volkslied. Kildevann gebruikt als inleiding op het volkslied het bekende motief uit Beethoven's Vijfde Symphonie. 02:15
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Christmas Around The World
1. Good King Wenceslas / 2. Alle Jahre wieder / 3. Les anges dans nos campagnges / 4. Lasst und froh und munter sein / 5. In dulci Jubilo / 6. We Wish You A Merry Christmas / 7. Ssser die Glocken nie klingen / 8. March of The Three Kings / 9. O Little Town Of Bethlehem / 10. Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht / 11. The First Nowell / 12. Deck The Halls / 13. Jingle Bells / 14. Still, Still, Still / 15. We Three Kings / 16. O Tannenbaum / 17. O Come, All Ye Faithful / 18. Kommet, Ihr Hirten / 19. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks / 20. O Du Frhliche / 21. God Rest You Merry Gentlemen / 22. The Holly And The Ivy / 23. O Holy Night / 24. Hark, The Herald Angels Sing / 25. Joy To The World / 26. Ihr Kinderlein kommt / 27. Kling, Glckchen, Kling / 28. Am Weinachtsbaum die Lichter brennen / 29. Es ist ein Ros entsprungen / 30. Il est n le divin enfant / 31. Vom Himmel hoch da komm' ich her / 32. Leise rieselt der Schnee
Estimated dispatch 10-14 working days
Trnen zum Abschied - Norbert Gälle
Die Komposition Trnen zum Abschiedhat Norbert Glle seiner Kapelle, der ScherzachtalerBlasmusik", fr die Abschiedstournee 2023 auf den Leib geschrieben und seine Gefhle und Emotionen darin musikalisch verarbeitet. Michael Klostermann arrangierte und bearbeitete diese wohlklingende und eingehende Polka fr groes Blasorchester.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Resurrection - Kevin Houben
"Man wird mit Keulen zu Boden geschlagen und dann auf Engelsfittichen zu den hchsten Hhen gehoben." (Mahler over zijn 2de symfonie "Wederopstanding", Juli 1894)*"You are clubbed to the ground and then lifted to the highest heights on angels' wings"Commissioned by and dedicated to Concertband Maasmechelen (BE), conducted by Mark Prils.Kevin Houben was inspired for this work by Gustav Mahler's 2nd symphony, better known as the Resurrection symphony.The work can be regarded as a Ma(h)lerei of various compositional and spherical elements that refer to the Austrian composer but that appear in this composition in an embedded, contemporary way.As Mahler often drew his inspiration from nature, the opening of this piece brings nature right to the audience. The work starts with a solo for alto flute accompanied by a pedal note in four octaves with harmonic responses echoing the solo.From the start, Kevin Houben provides Mahler's material with a contemporary touch. He replaces the nature sounds that Mahler uses (perfect fourth) with tritone intervals. The off stage trumpet signals have been preserved but are provided with a new accompaniment. Gradually, throughout the work, the orchestra undergoes its own independent development. Mahler's musical signature remains recognizable, but Kevin Houben allows it - e.g. through the use of various timbres - to flourish in a more modern musical idiom, which characterizes numerous contemporary compositions for wind band (cfr. Where Angels Fly).The work comes to a grandiose end with a passage of the famous chorale from Mahler's 2nd symphony. The rich orchestration of this chorale gives the listener the illusion of the presence of a choir and organ without actually using them.In Resurrection, each instrument group comes into its own: in solo fragments, in transparent thematic passages or in splendid tuttis. Therefore, the work forms an interesting challenge for a wind band on several levels, both technically and melodically - the latter due to the long suspenseful melodic phrases that the musical structure requires.The piece is accessible to a wide audience and can be regarded as an enrichment for any concert programme. Resurrection takes the audience through various atmospheres and experiences: from stunning to chilling, from calming to delighting...Die Musik muss immer ein Sehnen enthalten, ein Sehnen ber die Dinge dieser Welt hinaus." (Gustav Mahler, 1860-1911)"Music must always involve a longing, a yearning beyond the things of this world."
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Fanfare for the Sun - Carl Wittrock
Obviously, the music of John Williams is beyond comparison, but subconsciously one's thoughts do drift into that direction. Fanfare for the Sun is a radiant fanfare from the pen of Carl Wittrock. Nearly three minutes utmost concentration are required of your musicians to have them display stunning feats of technical brilliance. A moment of calm in this masterly composition is the vivacious and entertaining dialogue of clarinet, bassoon, oboe, and flute in the middle-section. The work was written as a commission by the Melomaan Foundation on the occasion of its anniversary. Een vergelijking met de muziek van John Williams mag uiteraard niet gelegd worden,maar onbewust gaan de gedachten wel in die richting. Fanfare for the Sun is een stralende fanfare van de hand van Carl Wittrock, die zijn voorliefde voor de filmmuziek niet onder stoelen of banken steekt. Rustpunt in deze korte doch magistrale compositie is de levendige en onderhoudende dialoog tussen klarinet, fagot, hobo en fluit in het middendeel. De componist schreef dit werk in opdracht van de Stichting Melomaan (Nederland) ter gelegenheid van haar jubileum.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Invocation - Marc van Delft
In this work the Dutch composer Marc van Delft attempts to bring together two parties (former friends), after they have grown inexplicably apart. For this reason he calls in the help (Invocation) from the medium of music.At first, 'Invocation' radiates a sense of serene calme, from which the composer gradually creates an atmosphere resembling a conversation.Half-way there is an increase of suspense, ending once again in calm.The listener remains uncertain, however, regarding the finish. In dit werk probeert de Nederlandse componist Marc van Delft twee partijen samen te brengen (vroegere vrienden), nadat ze op onverklaarbare wijze uit elkaar zijn gegroeid. Daaromroept hij de hulp in (Invocation) van het medium muziek. In het begin straalt 'Invocation' een gevoel van serene rust uit, waaruit de componist geleidelijk een sfeer creert die lijkt op een gesprek. Halverwege is er een toename van de spanning, die weer in rust eindigt. De luisteraar blijft echter onzeker over de afloop.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days