Stevie Wonder in Concert
Die Musik von Stevie Wonder ist zeitlos und geniet noch heute groe Anerkennung. Arrangeur Paul Murtha hat die bekanntesten Hits von Stevie Wonder ausgewhlt und aus ihnen ein Medley fr jede Konzertbhne konzipiert. Mit den Hits Sir Duke, You are the Sunshine of My Life, Wish and Signed, Sealed und Delivered Im Yours.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Freyja's Call - Andrew Duncan
According to Viking mythology, following a battle the bravest souls of the slain would be divided between two Gods, Odin and Freyja. Freyja was the Goddess of Love and War and before going into battle many Viking warriors would pray that they would die bravely so that Freyja would take their soul to join her personal army made up of the souls of the bravest of men.'Freyja's Call' describes one of these, a young Scottish soldier, going into battle as part of the Viking army who occupied parts of Scotland for four centuries. First, a slow theme is heard, Freyja's theme, which is the soldier praying to Freyja to keep a watch on him. Then the drums introduce a new rhythm which announces the beginning of the battle.A Celtic Jig is used to describe the progress of the battle with the jig played quietly at first then gradually louder with more percussion being added until a full ff section signifies the soldier fighting the enemy directly.Suddenly, the music drops back to the quiet Jig theme. The soldier has been slain, but will he be chosen by Frejya? After a short time, Freyja's theme is heard as the brave soldier is taken to Freyja's heavenly army of brave warriors, and the piece then ends in triumph.
In stock: Estimated delivery 1-3 days
A Bridge Too Far - John Addison - Darrol Barry
Un pont trop loin / Die Brcke von Arnheim
Estimated dispatch 10-14 working days
Back To The Future - Alan Silvestri - Marcel Saurer
Retour vers le Futur / Zurck in die Zukunft
Estimated dispatch 10-14 working days
Beauty And The Beast - Alan Menken - Ted Parson
La Belle et la Bte / Die Schne und das Biest
Estimated dispatch 10-14 working days
Children Of The Regiment - Julius Fucik - Bertrand Moren
Die Regimentskinder / Les Enfants du Rgiment
Estimated dispatch 10-14 working days
Ciocarlia - John Glenesk Mortimer
The Lark / L'Alouette / Die Lerche
Estimated dispatch 10-14 working days
Hanging Gardens Of Babylon - Erick Debs
Die Hngenden Grten der Semiramis zu Babylon / Les Jardins Suspendus de Babylone
Estimated dispatch 10-14 working days