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  • £116.60

    Josefs Julevise - Halvdan Sivertsen

    Halvdan Sivertsen (born 1950) is one of the most popular singer/ songwriters in Norway. He is well know as a first-class storyteller, and he has a strong melodic line in all his music. This Christmas song was first recorded in 1991 and it has become a Norwegian classic. The lyrics tell the story of a couple travelling through time to find a city with bright lights, where they hear people sing about the couple who are about to have their first baby. But still this couple can not find anybody willing to help them, and they are forced to go back 2000 years, to find the stable where they find some shelter. Maybe they should have travelled further ahead in time in the firstplace, to find people willing to open their door to the poor and needing?

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  • £132.50

    Ubi Caritas - Thomas Caplin

    Thomas Caplin is a Swedish professor of choral conducting. He works at the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences in Hamar. He composed this beautiful opus for choir based on the ancient text Ubi caritas.The text is often used during Maundy Thursday, describing Jesus washing the feet of his disciples: Where charity and love are, there God isIn this arrangement, a smaller group of players are soloists. The arrangement will work well if the group can be placed on a gallery or at the back of the concert hall.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £132.50

    Joyful Life - Jerker Johansson

    When Jerker Johansson in the 80's started to compose he was for a while obsessed with writing music in odd time signatures, more specifically 7/8. He was asked during the fall of 2020 by Leif Karlsson (former member of the legendary percussion ensemble Kroumata and nowadays conductor) to write something challenging for Uppsala Blsarsymfoniker and this resulted in Joyful Life. The piece is, to say the least, difficult to tap the pulse along to and is something of a baptism of fire for the musicians, regarding rhythmic precision. Joyful Life is dedicated to the always likeable Leif Karlsson (Joyful Leif!) and was premiered on the 15th November 2020 by The Swedish Air Force Band under the baton of the composer.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £137.70

    Vise i vinterlys - Erik Bye

    Erik Bye (1926-2004) was a major Norwegian TV-personality in his time, a colourful man with a varied background.He was a great lyricist, and many of his poems and songs have become modern Norwegian classics.This song, which could be translated at A ballad in Winter-light is maybe his only love-poem. He text describes a cold scene, where the lovers meet, and the images Bye paint are cold, bleak - but still with a warm intensity.The norwegian composer Egil Monn-Iversen (1928-2017) has brought a Scandinavian Noir feel to the text, they suit the lyrics perfectly.- John Philip Hannevik -

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £116.60

    Vr Flotta - Ivar Widner

    One of the really great Swedish Marches is Our Fleet which he wrote in 1917 as op. 11. It was composed in Goden as Military March When Widner became conductor of the Royal Swedish Navy Band in Stockholm, he changed the title to Our Fleet.

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  • £78.90

    Honor to the Veterans - Tormod Brufladt

    The march "Honour to the Veterans" was the composers third composition ever. He sent this march to Kjell Martinsen, who was the conductor of The Kings Guards Band in Norway. He liked the march so much that it was included on the CD which was releasedin connection with the bands 150 years anniversary.The march is not very difficult. There is a variety of melody lines in the march that differs from many other marches, especially the piccolo flute solo makes it a little bit special. Themarch is also playable for bands lacking a piccolo flute player, because the melody line in this part of the march is well taken care of.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £207.00

    Das Liebesverbot - Richard Wagner

    This young, comic opera, composed in 1835 on one of Wagner's own libretti, based on a play by Shakespeare, was unsuccessful at the Magdeburg theatre in 1836 and even the composer considered it a "sin of youth". After attempting in vain to have his first opera, "Le Fate", performed in Germany, Richard Wagner decided that his lack of success was due to the overwhelming competition of Italo-French music. He listened to Bellini, and became aware of the objective reasons for the great success of this music, comparing the warmth of life of Italian music to the frozen and meticulous German style. Hence he composed " Das Liebesverbot " with the sole aim of giving intense pleasure tothe public, without worrying about succumbing to the clichs of French and Italian music. That is why, when we listen to this music without knowing the name of the composer, we find ourselves in an embarrassing situation. We could easily attribute the work to some French composer, Meyerbeer, or Auber, for instance, but then the melodic ease and constructive linearity would bring Rossini to mind. By paying closer attention, however, we notice a boldness, an aggressiveness and a wealth of ideas that, together with clever orchestration, reveal the touch of the great German musician. " Das Liebesverbot " deserves to be performed more often, and we feel sure that the transcription for band will be an excellent vehicle of diffusion for this symphony.

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  • £168.50

    Grand Serenade - P.D.Q. Bach

    Thanks to the untiring editor Peter Schickele, who has rendered the work now playable by modern concert band, audiences can now marvel at the misbegotten meanderings offer. Bach and shake their collective heads, wondering "What was he thinking?" Trying to realize the composer's intentions is a waste of time, since he probably didn't have any. On the other hand, rehearsing the music well does seem advisable, so that when the inevitable critical backlash develops, the performing organization can justly claim that it wasn't their fault.

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  • £514.99

    The Venetian Collection

    The Venetian Collection by Johan de Meij consists of four movements which are all a musical reflection of the four paintings of the same names from the Peggy Guggenheim Museum in Venice.Voice of Space is the first movement of The Venetian Collection. The picture on which the music is based on was painted by the Belgian surrealist artist Ren Magritte. Along with Ensor, Permeke and Delvaux he was one of the most important painters of the 20th century.The Red Tower was inspired by the painting of the same name (La Torre Rossa) by the Italian artist Giorgio de Chirico, and was awarded first prize in the International Composition Contest in Oman. One of the towers of the mediaevalwalls of the Italian town of Soncino (home to the band for whom Johan de Meij wrote the work for) shows a remarkable resemblance to the tower in the work of De Chirico. Magic Garden contrasts starkly with the other movements of the cycle. As with the painting, Johan de Meij has tried to reflect the colourful, naive dream world of Paul Klee. The transparent texture, in which the woods play an important role, makes a striking impression throughout this serene movement.Empire of Light is also based on a work by Ren Magritte. He was a versatile and productive artist producing over 1100 paintings and 700 gouaches. Johan de Meij used the painting Empire of Light as his theme for the last movement of his Venetian Collection.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £84.99

    Axis - Naoya Wada

    I composed Axis as a dedication to my friend Shinya Nakamitsu. He is a wonderful graphic designer who loves wind band music. Some years ago, I made a demo CD to hand out to a number of people. He oversaw the jacket design for that project and I composed this traditional march to thank him. Shinya Nakamitsu runs a design company called AXIS: hence the name of the composition.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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