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  • £73.50

    Where Valor Proudly Sleeps - Robert Longfield

    The Civil War has long been a source of inspiration for poets, artists, and composers. Robert Longfield offers an exciting new work as a musical salute to this dramatic time in American history. Based on original material from the 1800s, the piece is scored to include field drums, a 21 cannon volley, and a sensitive brass treatment of Taps featuring solo horn.

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days
  • £45.95

    The Happy Hungarian - David Shaffer

    Popular cartoons have made Franz Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody #2 and Johannes Brahms's Hungarian Rhapsody #5 instantly recognizable. This arrangement cleverly combines several themes from both compositions into one fun-filled frolic through classical cartoon capers. Whistles, bird whistles, and ratchets all add to the charm of this novel tune. This is one "Happy Hungarian" that will keep you smiling for a long time!

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days
  • £45.95

    Of Gentle Spirit - William Owens

    In the beginning, clarinets should play full with good airflow and firm embouchures. Accompanying parts should be connected and delicately tongued. When breathing, students must always take in plenty of air. Long sounds require lots of support. Whenever eighth notes occur, do not allow fingers to be slow - be accurate and assertive. In the forte section at measure 41, continue to play beautifully connected tones with great airflow. Work hard to achieve the piano in measure 47 and the crescendo in measure 48 for a glorious musical effect.

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days
  • £59.99

    Soldiers Song - Patrick Millstone

    As long as we can remember, trumpets and percussion have been the instruments most closely associated with the army and its soldiers. Just think of the medieval herald who publicly proclaimed all the king's important announcements. This work opens with a festive fanfare which immediately calls for your attention. No tidings of disaster, but a festive parade of soldiers passing by while whistling merrily. This idea was the composer's starting point when writing this cheerful little piece.

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days

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  • £68.99

    Fanitullen - Ole Olsen

    Fanitullen is a lively, beautiful 'Sl?tt', i.e. an old Norwegian melody which is played on a traditional 'Hardingfele' (Hardanger fiddle).Because of its violent rhythm and exciting character, playing a Fanitullen for a long time was considered improper. It was believed that a person playing this melody would come under the influence of the devil. Therefore, Fanitullen could be regarded as a kind of Rock'n Roll from the 18th century.Tom Brevik's adaptation is based on a composition for piano by Ole Olsen (1850-1927)

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days

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  • £84.99

    On the Movieset - John Emerson Blackstone

    Glitter and glamour, good-looking people, a lot of Bling Bling and fast cars images like these will cross our minds when we think of the movie world. However, reality proves to be different : as a rule, a tremendous amount of work will have been done on the set before a film is ready to be shown on the big screen. A visit to an actual movie set inspired John Emerson Blackstone to write a composition bearing the same name. He had both seen a number of characteristic attributes and heard the typical phrases used in film making, and he incorporated them into 'On the Movie Set' . In the first part, 'The Clapboard', a 'director's assistant' is supposed to shout "Quieton the set'" and "Action!", as is done before a real scene is shot. Subsequently, in order to create the right atmosphere, the clacking of a 'Clapboard' should be heard. During a romantic scene we should be transported to another world by means of sweet sounds in the background, so romantic music is of course heard in the next part, 'Love Scene'. At the end of a long working day 'It's a wrap' is called on the set to inform everyone that the filming on that day is completed. Now there is only one more thing left to dream of : an Oscar..... Perf. Note: The use of the right props will add to the performance and appreciation of 'On the Movie Set'. A red carpet and a glamorous reception should give your audience the feeling they are attending a real 'opening night'!

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days

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  • £54.99

    Soweto Swing - Peter Martin

    The sparkling music from Soweto (South Africa) has a long history. The rhythmic dances of Kwela, the 'syncopated guitars' of Mbaqanga, the saxophones and trumpets with their supple African jazz sounds as well as the infectious and sometimes gripping choir singing. All these elements can be recognized when listening to the 'Soweto String Quartet', which in its turn inspired Peter Martin to write 'Soweto Swing'.

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days

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  • £54.99

    Strong Coffee - Ron Gilmore

    It is true that tastes differ. Coffee has known a long history : it has been drunk since the 17th century. On one hand people drink coffee for relaxation, on the other hand it is drunk to ward off tiredness or sleepiness. 'Strong Coffee' composed by Ron Gilmore works both ways. There will be people who will be able to relax during 'Strong Coffee', whereas others will experience it as a real boost. Is it a bit too strong after all, such a funky Soul Beat? Then adding a little milk might help. As said before, tastes differ!

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days

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  • £84.99

    Make my day - Ron Gilmore

    Make My Day is an aptly titled piece by Ron Gilmore, designed to put a whole concert hall in the mood. Features a dramatic encore that will linger long in the ear and the mind of the listener. An ideal addition to your repertoire that really will 'make your day'!

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days

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  • £149.99

    Columbus - Rob Goorhuis

    Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa in 1451. His father was a wool merchant. Originally he seemed destined to follow in his father's footsteps, and thus sailed the oceans to countries as far apart as Iceland and Guinea. In 1476 his ship was sunk during a battle off the coast of Portugal. Columbus saved his own life by swimming to shore. In 1484 he conceived the idea of sailing to the Indies via a westward sea route, but it was only in 1492 that he was able to realize this plan. On this first voyage he was in command of three ships: the flag-ship, called the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Ni?a. From Spain Columbus sailed via the Canary Islands to the Bahamas, whichhe sighted on October 12th 1492. Without being aware of it Columbus discovered the 'New World' he thought he had landed in the eastern part of Asia. The motif from Dvok's 9th Symphony 'Aus der neuen Welt' forms a little counterfeit history at this point in the composition. After this first voyage Columbus was to undertake another three long voyages to America. These voyages were certainly not entirely devoid of misfortune. More than once he was faced with shipwreck, mutiny and the destruction of settlements he had founded. After Columbus had left for Spain from Rio Belen in 1503, he beached his ships on the coast of Jamaica. The crew were marooned there and it was only after a year that Columbus succeeded in saving his men and sailing back to Spain with them. In the music the misunderstanding about which continent Columbus discovered in his lifetime resounds, for does this part in the composition not contain Asiatic motifs? Poor Columbus! In 1506 the famous explorer died in Valladolid.

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days

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