Third Vortex - Roland Barrett
From the creative pen of this talented young composer, we have Barretts latest contribution to the exciting contemporary literature for band. While not technically difficult, this work is extremely effective, as it presents four contrasting musical sections beginning with The Summoning, which opens with a very commanding tutti entrance that evolves into a quieter, mysterious section, then develops with a sense of urgency into a very strong dynamic ending. This is followed by Fear, a dramatic section with extensive use of percussion, leading to The Eye of the Vortex, beginning quietly, as it starts to develop to a great dynamic climax followed immediately by a serene quietness that leads to the final section, Fury, ending with a dramatic and furious finale. An exceptional, adventuresome new work!
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Forged in Fire - Rob Romeyn
An epic programmatic piece, "Forged In Fire" is a work of vibrant energy, vivid color and immense power. It draws inspiration from the immense power and uses of fire, and its effect on early civilization and industrialization. A calm and sensitive introductions leads to a new theme at a quickening tempo. This theme, stated simply at first, is then embellished by a driving rhythm multi-meter effect, and further developed with layered contemporary harmonies, changing textures and variations on the theme. After a breathtaking climax, the original theme is restated, more powerfully this time. It then subsides, before building to a shimmering, red hot ending that will leave your audience breathless. Certain to become a mainstay for concert and festival use. Not to be missed!
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Amazonia - Jan Van der Roost
This major concert work cosists o five movements.1st movement: La Laguna del ShimbeSituated high up in the Andes mountains in Northern Peru are the Huaringas, a group of lagoons in isolated and mysterious surroundings. The water has healing powersand for centuries traditional healers have settled there in small villages. From far the sick come to the Huaringas to be treated in nightly rituals, in which the hallucinating juice of the San Pedro cactus gives the prophet a look inside hispatient. The biggest lagoon is the "Laguna del Shimbe", one of the countless wells of the immense Amazon stream.2nd movement: Los AguarunasFurther downstream in Northern Peru we come across the rain tribe of Los Aguarunas. It's a proud, beautiful andindependent race, which has never succumbed to domination, not even from the Incas. They live from everything the forest has to offer: fish, fruit, plants, ... . They also grow some crops and live as semi-nomads. They take their fate into their ownhands and after having made contact with modern civilisation, they have integrated new elements into their lives without betraying their own ways.3rd movement: MekaronMekaron is an Indian word meaning "picture", "soul", "essence". The Indians are theorigina inhabitants of the Amazon region. They either live in one place as a group or move around a large region. They all have their own political system, their own language and an intense social life. At the same time they are master of music andmedicine. "Everywhere the white man goes, he leaves a wilderness behind him", wrote the North American Indian leader Seatl in 1885. As a result of these contacts with the whites, the disruption of most Indian societies began. (In this century alone,80 tribes have vanished completely).4th movement: KtuajThis is the name of the initiating ceremony of the Krah tribe in the Brazilian state of Goias, in which young boys and girls enter adult life. They are cleansed with water, painted with redpaint and covered with feathers, after which the ritual dance holds the entire tribe spell-bound.5th movement: Paulino FaiakanIn 1988 the Indian chiefs Faiakan and Raoni Kaiapo came to Europe to protest against the building of the Altamira dam inBrazil. As a result of the dam the Indians would be driven from their traditional land and enormous artificial would be created. The project was supported financially by, amongst others, the European Community. In February 1989 the Indian tribesaround Altamira held a protest march for the first time in their history together. Amongst other things they paid tribute tot Chico Mendez, who, murdered in 1988, was the leader of the rubber syndicate and a fierce opponent of the destruction of theBrazilian rain forest. Brazilian and world opinion was awakened. The building of the dam was -albeit temporarily - stopped.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
The Universal Band Collection - Jacob de Haan
A collection of 5 short works in pop style which can be performed by any kind of compilation. The titles can be presented on the programme as separate works but the Universal Band Collection can also be performed as a complete suite. From a didactic point of view it is a suitable work to teach musicians something about the structure in music. For this purpose not only the big structure but also the small structure was kept very clear.Western Girl : A girl from the west of the USA rides her horse across the prairie, dreaming of her future. The rough structure: introduction - theme in a blues scale - the same thing in a different instrumentation - finale.Just a ballad : A balladin pop style with a rough A-B-A form. First there is the introduction of the main theme (A), then follows a tenor melody in minor with a rhythmical reference to the main theme (B). Finally there is the main melody, performed tutti with a different rhythm in the drums (A').Play the Game : An English saying meaning: play fairly. Playful music in up-tempo with a wink to China, where almost all games are manufactured nowadays. Once again an A-B-A structure here.San Diego : A Mexican fugitive enjoys his freedom in America but also remembers his place of birth with melancholy. A sad minor melody with a straight trendy beat appears twice. The second time it has a slightly different instrumentation, in which the muted trumpets represent the Mexican feeling.Final Dance : Eventually there is a dance with an introduction in renaissance style, followed by a fast dance in rock style. All this composed in a classical song structure: introduction, verse, bridge, chorus, shortened verse, bridge, chorus, chorus.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
The Legend of Flathead Lake - Carl Wittrock
In Scotland, the monster of Loch Ness is a hot issue, but the American state of Montana enjoys a comparable phenomenon going by the name of Montana Nessie. In the western part of this remote state lies Flathead Lake: a lake of 45 kilometres /38miles in lenght and 24 kilometres /15 miles breath. At several places, its depth exeeds 100 metres.Nessies discovery takes us back to the year 1889, when captain James Kerr aboard the passengership U.S.Grant was startled by a ship unknown to himsuddenly approaching his vessel across Flathead Lake. However, it turned out not to be a ship but an undefinable animal of immense size.From that moment onwards, life would never be the same again in and around Flathead Lake.The composer wasinspired by the story, and summarized the events into a symphonic poem, but from a surprising angle:that of the monster. The exiting opening allows us to follow the monster in its natural surroundings.The fast follow-up movement depictsMontana Nessie trotting and frolicking about the Montana woods and prairies.From its abode, it thorougly enjoys everything around it. This period abruptly ends in a short climax (Chimes). The solo for cor anglais marks a new period in themonsters life.The presence of people has a paralizing effect and the apprehensive atmosphere of the slow movement may be felt profoundly.The monster observes and mildly teases the ship. Abhor sounds force the ship to a withdrawal.The movingmusical continuation depicts the triumphant monster dancing an ironic waltz. The monsters fear and anger at the intrusion of his freedom run through the piece like continuous threads, and develop into the works final theme.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Summer Dances - Adam Gorb
'Summer Dances' is a joyful work in three short movements celebrating my favourite season where people are happiest outdoors. Each movement is a celebration the first movement 'Summer Day' celebrates the open air, with a bold and arrogant melody in 10/8 time, whose rhythm dominates the movement. The next movement 'Summer Night' could be described as a 'Beach Habanera' led by a sensuous trumpet melody. The movement ends with an ambiguous harmonic build-up, which is resolved at the start of the finale 'Summer Party' with a folk like theme that is passed round the ensemble, building up, (with suggestions of the first movement theme) to a riotous and festive ending. Summer Dances was commissioned by HAFABRA Music, Louis Martinus in collaboration with Biblioservice Gelderland/Music department MUI, Arhnhem, the Netherlands. Regarding interpretation suggestions: Movement 1) Lively but not too fast very much a piece for the full ensemble, up until the final six bars when things become more subtle and intimate maybe sunset.... Movement 2) Very laid back and sexy. The movement should be thought of as a wonderfully promising 'first date' or 'wedding night', with great possibilities with the unresolved chord at the end of the movement.... Movement 3) As fast as is comfortably possible. The start should be delicate and chamber music like, but increase in general excitement, particularly from figure 31. Something should be saved up for a true fortissimo at 34.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Fantasia Per La Vita E La Morte - Bert Appermont
The mystique surrounding life and death formed the starting point of this composition. I wanted to write a work without a story, mixed up in a kind of musical quest for a new world of sound, original rhythm sequences, melodies filled with suspenseand distinct orchestral tones.The indirect cause was the birth of my first child which took place during this time, followed by the death of a close family member. At such a moment you experience just how close life and death are to each other, anddespite one being the antithesis of the other, they are incredibly similar. Both radical events are passages into new worlds and have great emotional impact. Moreover, the work was commissioned by "New Life", an orchestra that lost one of itsmusician in a plane crash, which also led me to believe that this approach would be appropriate.I would prefer not to comment on which passages in the composition concern life (birth) and which refer to death. It seems to me that it is moreinteresting to question traditional conceptions and leave it open for the listener. If you think that a passage is about birth, and this idea then shifts, it is this that raises fascinating questions, on both a musical and metaphysical level.Music isin an indirect but incredibly persuasive way in which to express the endless striving and seeking of mankind. Music can even touch eternity, as it were, and give us the feeling that we can transcend death. This endless search (and also longing) canbe heard throughout the work; as much in the sound fields and accent shifts in the first part as in the enormous tension curves and compelling themes of the second part. The semi-tone functions in this way as a guide or something to hold on to,running through the whole work and upon which much of the musical material is based. Traces of profound love resound with quiet simplicity in the slow section's melodious solos, after which the work contemplates life and death one last time, musesupon joy and sadness, on the possibilities and limitations of people and on the why of all things.I would like to dedicate this work to my dearest daughter Paulientje, to Meterke and to Johan de Jong of the "New Life" orchestra. May it fare themwell, here or in another dimension...
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Symphony No. 2: States Of Mind, Opus 87 - Teo Aparicio-Barberán
I- Logos (reason)II- Pathos (emotion)III- Ethos (credibility)The ancient Greeks believed that music shaped the character of man. In Egyptian temples, music was an essential part of the magical rites to alter the course of nature or to treat illness.And today we know that sound can actually alter matter. The secret of music lies in harmony and mathematics, as many great musicians and experts have always known.One of the most important qualities of music is that it enables the listener to focushis attention inwards instead of on what is around him. It is indisputable that music can inspire emotion. Music leads us into a universe of emotions that are difficult to put into words. In short, music reaches into corners of our soul and thoughtsthat words cannot reach and makes it possible to more clearly describe these different States of mind.The composer of this symphony also believes that each "musical argument" must be constructed so that it will induce the desired reaction in thelistener.Music: more than wordsIn recent times, most orchestral symphonies have been based on a story, a text or something similar so that their composition must be structured accordingly.The intention of this work by Teo Aparicio-Barbern is quitedifferent. The composer describes the three elements of the argument as the only formal structure of the work. Since certain philosophers in world history were able to subdivide grammatical argument, why shouldnt that also be possible for the musicalargument?Since ancient times the power of the spoken word has captivated mankind. How can an argument move people and mobilise the masses? Where does the power of words come from today? The answer lays not so much in what people say but in how theysay it.Rhetoric is one of the oldest humanist disciplines in Western civilisation. Aristotle, in the 4th century BC, called it the art of persuasion. Indeed, the terms rhetoric and persuasion are mutually interchangeable.More than 2000 years agoAristotle structured his rhetoric according to the following three elements: the logos, the pathos and the ethos.Logos (words, reason) is the reasoning that gives freedom to the structure of the text by expressing what one wishes to say usingspecialist terms. With logos we create arguments to receive public approval and to defend our ideas.Pathos, the second element, refers to the effective use of public psychology. Pathos can be considered as the capacity to induce the desired emotionalresponse in the public, by creating an emotional connection with the public so that they accept our message.The third element, ethos (credibility), refers to the character of the speaker and is perhaps the most important of the three elements.Aristotle based his concept of ethos upon his belief that truth and justice will always have the upper hand over anger. He believed that what was true and good was easier to prove and was more persuasive.This second orchestral symphony from thecomposer from Enguera follows these three parameters of the argument according to Aristotle. Each movement tries to summon a different state of mind in the listener so that the message itself can be better understood and appreciated. Apart from thesethree general concepts the music is only structured, as Claude Debussy would say, in a "formative way".The first movement, logos, is based on a scherzo melody that undergoes various changes in rhythm and harmony. The arguments are presented by meansof conventional techniques of composition. The second movement, pathos, is characterised by suggestions of sound. It is subdivided into two large parts. The first part is based on a five seven sequence with five sounds that are repeated in differentenvironments, structures and dynamics. The second part, which is largely tonal, brings out more directly the emotional overtones that each argument must have. The third movement, ethos, is a faithful rendition of the composers personality. In thislast part, clear rhythmic sequences stand out, there are large dynamic contrasts and lots of tone variation. In addition, and this is quite in keeping with the composers earlier work, the harmony in States of Mind is handled in a manner that is bothoriginal and efficient, as a result of which Aparicio-Barberns message is well understood by the listener.This second symphony by Teo Aparicio-Barbern is devoted to "my dear Henrie Adams, a guiding light in this eternally dark musical world. Thankyou for everything."
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Suite Provenale - Jan Van der Roost
This 4-movement suite is based on authentic folktunes from the beautiful southern province in France: the "Provence". The composer used an harmonic language respecting the popular characteristics, but on the other hand also contains some "spicy" notes (... just like the wellknown "Provenal sauce"! ...). The instrumentation is very colourful, paying a lot of attention to the different timbres of both brass and wood winds as well as to the percussion section.Every movement has its own character: "Un Ange a fa la crido" (= An angel brought the creed / credo) is like a bourre, "Adam e sa Coumpagnou" (= Adam and his companion) is an old love song, "Lou Fusti" (= the carpenter)a fast dance and finally "Lis Escoubo" (= a whistle tune / popular ballad) is a farandole. In the latter, the old tradition of folk musicians who play a whistle with one hand and a drum with the other hand, is clearly represented during the first presentations of the one and only theme)Although this piece is not too demanding, a well balanced band is necessary to perform it successfully. Thanks to the contrasts and the varying colours, it keeps on holding the attention.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Missa Brevis - Jacob de Haan
Missa Brevis, written for choir and wind band, was commissioned by the Conseil Dpartemental pour la Musique et la Culture de Haute-Alsace (Dir.: Philippe Pfisterer) in Guebwiller (France), in celebration of the millennium of Pope Leon IX'sbirth in guisheim (France). The composer conducted the first performance on June 23, 2002. It was performed live for the French television channel France 2. The mass movements Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Benedictus, and Agnus Deiare very suitable for the Catholic as well as the Protestant liturgy. For this mass, various ways for performing in diverse variable strengths are possible. An instrumental performance is possible if the brass represents the choir parts. In thisoption, it is desirable for the brass to be positioned separately from the rest of the band (on a gallery, for example), so that the idea of two choirs is approached. In a performance with a large choir, the brass can work very well as a support. Inthat case, the dynamics of the brass should be adapted somewhat, since these are actually intended for an instrumental performance. You can also leave out the brass entirely for the benefit of the choir. For the accompaniment of smaller choirs, youcan opt for a small ensemble from the band. This can also be a quartet, put together as desired. For the performance of this mass, the obvious choice is one of the above options. However, as an alternative, a performance with a combination of theseoptions (vocally/instrumentally) is also possible not just from an artistic point of view (variation), but also from a practical starting point for example in the case that the choir has rehearsed only two movements. With a full strength, theconductor can vary the instrumentation to his or her liking. Then the brass can also play a role in the accompaniment (instead of supporting the choir). The following combinations are possible:1. clarinet choir (from Eb Clarinet to BassClarinet)2. clarinet choir + saxophones3. brass (flugelhorns, horns, euphoniums, bass section)4. brass (2 trumpets / 2 trombones)5. double reeds (optional + flute, optional + string bass)6. tutti7. all winds8. allbrassIn a performance by brass band and choir, it is usually advisable to leave out option 1 (choir + brass + band). The choir sings self-reliantly, accompanied by a full brass band. In an instrumental performance, you can consider a combinedquartet (two cornets and two trombones) + brass band.Choral parts available separately.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days