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  • £89.95

    Scenes From The Peconic - Carl Strommen

    The natural beauty and historical significance of the Peconic River, a tranquil and majestic waterway originating in the pine barrens of eastern Long Island, are depicted in this colorful, flowing and tuneful new piece by Long Island resident Carl Strommen. The luminous scoring is designed to show the band to its best advantage. The 6/8 meter of most of the piece is ideal for representing the flow of the river's steady progress to the sea.

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days
  • £137.99

    Odyssee - Jan Bosveld

    The Odyssee tells the story of Odysseus, the undaunted hero. In times long ago the blind poet Homer wrote this famous epic. The "Odyssey" follows the "Iliad", the story of the bloody war between the Greek and the Trojans. This battle endsafter ten years thanks to the Odysseys famous trick. the Trojan Horse. The Odyssey is not a war epic, but a story about perseverance, loyalty, adventure, and the survival instinct of its ingenious hero. In The Odyssey, Homer describes howOdysseus, the king of Ithaca, had to endure another ten years of affliction after the ten years of war in Troy before he could finally return to his home land. During those years, his wife, Penelope, had to try and keep her many admirers away.These men not only wanted het hand but also the kingship. To prove her husbands worth, she played a trick: "As soon as I have finished weaving this shroud for my father-in-law, Laertes, I will choose one of you to become my husband", she promisedthem. But during the night, she secretly loosened what she had woven during the day, prolonging the time until Odysseus would finally return. After twenty long years, when he finally stood at the door, she wondered: Is this really my husband? Ishe an imposter? Cunningly, she asked him to move the bed, because only she and her husband know that the bed was immovable and was build around an old three trunk! Odysseus was deeply moved: this really was his wife, his Penelope! Nearly threethousands years later, the loyalty and strength of this character, and all the dangerous adventures that Odysseus survived thanks to courage and intelligence, still moves us today. Odyssee by Jan Bosveld is not just an adventure story, butrather a characteristic piece in which memories of Homers story can be heard. The composition opens with a firm, stirring theme describing our hero, Odysseus, in detail: This man is not to be taken lightly. The further development of thisshort introduction completes this character sketch: trustworthy, perseverant, and a genius. After that we can picture Odysseus on the lonely beach of Ogygia. Do the trumpets depict his memories of the war of Troy? Does he think of his wife, as werecognise the weaving loom of Penelope in the murmuring eighth? In the solemn, plaintive part that follows, we can imagine Penelope feeling lonely, sitting in the womens room with her servants.One of the girls plays the harp, but that does notclear the sombre atmosphere. Then we can imagine seeing the sorceress Circe, who changed Odysseus men into swine. After she gives a simple magic sign something follows that reminds us of the sound of pigs grunting. Then the Odysseus theme resounds:the hero comes to savi his comrades. Assisted by Hermes, he forces Circe to lift the spell. The piece ends the same way as it began, with an animated theme: Odysseus is still the same, undefeated and not to be taken lighty!

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days

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  • £79.99

    The Homefront: Musical Memories from World War II

    With the recent anniversary of the end of World War II, Americans have reflected on that special era in our history, a time when popular music played such an important role in the national consciousness. This outstanding showcase for band spotlights some of the fabulous songs of that era including: Thanks for the Memory, Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree, I'll Be Seeing You, It's Been a Long Long Time, Bell-Bottom Trousers, White Clifs of Dover, and Praise the Lord And Pass the Ammunition.

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days
  • £72.99

    Nature's Way - Gunther Schuller

    From the composer: Nature's Way for intermediate level band was commissioned by BandQuest, a project initiated by the American Composers Forum. Their mission is for major composers of national reputation to write works of high quality that take into consideration the (still comparatively limited) levels of musical development--both technical and conceptual--typical of such ensembles. I eagerly accepted the commission and the challenges implied thereby--that is, to reign in my creative imagination to some extent and limit the technical/conceptual demands to a more moderate level than is to be found in my previous compositions for band. Nonetheless, since the process of rehearsing, studying and performing a work created specifically for the school student market is--and must be, in my view--primarily educational, it was very clear to me that my work would (and should) challenge the players at least to their top levels, and even a little beyond that. Thus Nature's Way in no way represents a compromise of my personal style, nor my long held concepts of form, continuity, texture, and instrumentation. I have known for a long time that young, inquisitive minds are eager to learn from new experiences, from previously never encountered challenges, that is to say, to be pushed--gently--to rise above their present levels of achievement. That's what education is all about. BandQuest, an exciting series of new music and accompanying curricula for band, is a program published by the American Composers Forum. The series was started as a response to feedback from music educators that there is a pressing need for new, fresh band music. The heart of this program is new works written by a diverse group of leading American composers who have created challenging pieces that are a true departure from standard middle school repertoire. Every BandQuest project includes a residency component in which the composer works collaboratively with a middle school as they create their new piece. Many BandQuest pieces are accompanied by an interdisciplinary curriculum designed to assist students as they learn the music and to integrate each piece with non-music studies. Visit to learn more about this innovative series, and email [email protected] to request a free downloadable audio catalog.

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days
  • £141.99

    Goodnight Moon - Eric Whitacre

    Over the past few years I must have read Goodnight Moon to my son a thousand times - maybe more. Somewhere around reading number 500, I began hearing little musical fragments as I read, and over time those fragments began to blossom into a simple, sweet lullaby. I knew it was a long shot, but I asked my manager, Claire Long, to contact HarperCollins and see if they would allow the text to be set to music. To my surprise and delight they agreed - the first time they had ever allowed Goodnight Moon to be used in such a way. I composed the piece relatively quickly, originally setting the text for harp, string orchestra, and my son's mother, soprano Hila Plitmann. I later arranged Goodnight Moon for SATB choir and piano. More recently, my dear friend Verena Msenbichler-Bryant arranged the piece for wind ensemble and soloist. The melody of Goodnight Moon will forever make me think of those quiet nights, reading my son to sleep. -Eric Whitacre

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days
  • £57.50

    Chorale All Things Bright and Beautiful - Claude T. Smith

    Long tones, dynamic contrasts and long flowing lines make Claude T. Smith's chorale setting of this beautiful Old English melody an outstanding warm-up or concert selection.

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days
  • £75.00

    Sonata - Derek Bourgeois

    This work, composed in 1998, was commissioned by the American trombonist Don Lucas as a work for trombone and piano and first performed by him in Birmingham on 19th May 2000. Subsequently, I arranged the music for both solo trombone and brass band and solo trombone and wind band so that it now exists in three formats. The first movement, in B flat major, is brisk and energetic, and is cast in sonata form. The second subject is gentler and more lyrical. The second movement, a scherzo in C major, is the most complex of the four. Basically the structure is a rond. For a long time the music remains in the opening 5/8 time until a new theme introduces more broken rhythms in a more jazzy idiom. After a return of the opening theme the following episode is more tonally ambiguous. Finally, the main theme returns to round off the movement. The third movement, a lyrical adagio, is really one long extended melodic flow. The harmonies are lush and the textures simple and direct. The tonal center is A minor, but the music meanders through so many keys, that this key centre is heavily disguised. The finale is a fiery affair. G minor is really its home key, but throughout the movement the music moves about a lot and the second subject is first heard in A flat minor. The movement's underlying sonata structure is masked not only by its loose tonality but also by its frequently changing time signatures. Like the first movement the second subject is more lyrical in nature and for a while it seems that the music will end peacefully, but a final flurry heralds a triple forte unison on the home note of the first movement - B flat. Derek Bourgeois

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days
  • £52.95

    Hanukkah Is Here - Scott Watson

    For children, Hanukkah brings thoughts of a miracle from long, long ago and excitement each holiday season about what awaits. This work musically conveys both reflection and joy with colorful scoring and expressive writing. Add wonder to your holiday performance this year with "Hanukah Is Here."

    Estimated delivery 3-5 days

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  • £41.50

    American Song Settings, No. 2

    , the second in a series of wind band settings of familiar melodies, was written for and is dedicated to the Maitland (FL) Middle School Wind Ensemble, Eric Mendez, director. It opens with a short introduction utilizing the opening notes of the melody, proceeding to its first full statement in the upper woodwinds. The second presentation features the trumpets and xylophone followed by a statement in the bass instruments while the melody "Long, Long Ago" appears in the upper voices. A contrasting legato section follows, succeeded by a more rhythmic statement in woodwinds and trumpets. The melody then appears in the alto saxophones with a contrasting idea in upper woodwinds. A marcato statement of the melody appears as a three-bar phrase with a staccato accompaniment. The final section utilizes the style of the opening measures and is expanded to bring the work to a final climactic conclusion.

    Estimated delivery 3-5 days

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  • £39.95

    Keep the Faith - Score and Parts - Duncan Stubbs

    Program NotesKeep the Faith originally started as a personal tribute to my late mother. Not long after writing the opening ideas I was approached to write music to accompany a rendition of the poem "We Will Keep the Faith" by Moina Michael for performance as part of the 100th Anniversary of the start og World War I. The appropriateness of the music already written and the sentiment behind both concepts was a coincidence too good to overlook. Rarely sentimental and always practical I feel sure my mum would be delighted that the music she originally inspired was being used to portray a much wider universal message of remembrance.Whether performed with or without the poem a fully sustained sound should always be aimed for. The 'bugle' call at bar 20 and again at bar 76 should reflect a distant call across the trenches, the cornet remaining prominent over the upper woodwind. The tempo indication is a guide only and allowance must be made for the acoustic in which the piece is performed. The music must always flow, but appropriate rubato should be freely used together with appropriate tenuto in the middle of phrases.- Duncan Stubbs

    Estimated delivery 7-14 working days